Okay, I guess someone needs to start it
A great faq thread http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/ Very helpful tweaking site added 3/19
http://www.3dspotlight.com/tweaks/opflashpoint/index.shtml Forums for help http://www.flashpoint1985.com/index2.html http://www.flashpoint1985.co.uk/ http://www.coldwarflashpoint.com/ Screen shot utility http://2500club.hotusa.org/fsscreen.zip Missions http://www.levels4you.com/ Great for COOP http://www.planetrainbowsix.com/atwar/OFP/missions.asp added 2/11 http://dynamic2.gamespy.com/~flashpoint/viewmissions.php added 2/11 [url=http://perso.wanadoo.fr/operation.flashpoint/
added]http://perso.wanadoo.fr/operation.flashpoint/[b]added[/url] 3/27Winter/Desert campaigns, also COOP campaign
Tactics Very Helpful!
site shut down Command Guide http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/1985/commanderguide. added 3/29Latest Downloads http://www.uvm.edu/~efisher/ Kegetys added 11/1 http://www.concept-5.com/ballistic/ added 10/28 http://www.ofp.jolt.co.uk/index.shtml http://www.opflashpoint.org/ http://ofp.gamezone.cz/ added 3/7Where to play online http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/ All
http://www.ofpleague.com/ added 2/11Missions creating or editing ofpeditingcenter http://www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpoint/ How to increase visiblity http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bbs/Forum57/HTML/000713.html brigthness 1.8
gamma correction 1.1 or 1.0
frame rate to full
Multiplayer Hosts.textif you put a file named hosts.txt in your OFP directory with ip's of servers you play on, it will automatically check those servers for games when you enter the multiplayer portion of the game. no "remoting".
Great walk through for each mission, PDF download file
http://gamespot.com/gamespot/guides/pc/operation_flashpoint/p2_01.html How to get addons to show in the gameWelcome, for those addons to show up in the game they have to be created with in the mission. Just because you have the winter add on and you want to play the campaign it won't show up w/ winter scenes.
Now, you should download all these great addons and then go to Avon's
site where she has converted over many missions using the winter and desert scenery
As far as the weapons the same thing goes, if you download any new missions check the read me as they ususally tell you what addons are needed to play these missions.
Good luck and happy downloading.
http://www.uvm.edu/~efisher/ Most of the commonly used addons can be found above
Cheats I suppose most of you know about this hidden feature, but just in case here you go:
To save a game more than once, just press LEFT SHIFT and the MINUS key on the numpad, and the type SAVEGAME. You'll see a message saying the game has been saved.
Capt Haddock's weapons addTo add an ammo box, go to the editor and look under "Objects". There are several types of ammo crates like West, East and Addons.
Once you've put one on the map, double click on it, and in the "initialization" box paste this paragraph:
this addweaponcargo ["M16",100]; this addmagazinecargo ["M16",100]; this addweaponcargo ["M60",100]; this addmagazinecargo ["m60",100]; this addweaponcargo ["M21",100]; this addmagazinecargo ["m21",100]
This will give you M16, M60, M21s, and ammo for all of them. The number "100" next to the names is the ammount of units of each thing, so you should have more that enough guns and ammo.
As I spend quite a bit of time setting up LAN games with my own missions, I've created this document with several loads for the ammo crates:
http://www.btinternet.com/~supersonik/test/Flashpoint/Haddocks_Weapons.zip Each paragraph has a more or less comprehensive load, like "Russian guns", "Russian rocket launchers", "New addon guns" etc..
Hope it helps
Dan "Haddock"
I'll add more as I find them, please list anything I have forgotten[This message has been edited by Top Gun (edited 03-29-2002).]
[This message has been edited by Top Gun (edited 04-18-2002).]
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[This message has been edited by Top Gun (edited 11-01-2002).]
[This message has been edited by Top Gun (edited 11-08-2002).]