After a couple single missions learning the Dynamic Mission Editor (DME), and some of the ins and outs of creating missions, I finally flew one from start to finish where I was happy with the experience! Whoohooo!
A flight of four P-47's to strike an ammo dump defended by a couple Whirlwinds; buildings, radio towers, HQ's, trucks and troops for atmosphere and targets.
Now, understand that without my HUD, Target Designator Box, CCIP pipper, afterburner, and I.R. guided Mavericks, I get a little lost!
So, I make a pretty sloppy bomb run, not sure of what I hit because I take a fair amount of damage from a Whirlwind hidden under some trees. "Ugh! Dammit!" Oil coats the windscreen, gauges are damaged, but damned if that Jug just doesn't keep on flying.
I come back to strafe a building, not even sure at this point if it's a decent tactical target (having too much fun, and learning the game). Again, the Whirlwind hits me hard and pieces fall off the plane..."Awwww, sheesh!!!" My wife, hearing the second complaint, asks what is going on, have I crashed? (She loves the damage effects). I freeze the sim, hit F12, and find the Whirlwind; as we are both involved professionally in the firearms industry, I do NOT have to explain what those four 20mm's are capable of. She asks if I'm going to fly home now. I unfreeze the sim, and say "No, I'm going to turn around and kill it."
Wounded, smoking, but still flying, and seeing that three (expected, triggered at 70% target damage) Bf-109's are on the way, I start a shallow climb away. Hitting the Whirlwind had taken the rest of my ammo, and I had no idea where everyone was. I think I lost two, and the third was heading home.
As the 109's gained, I went into that famous Jug dive from about 12,000 feet, extending and hitting around 490 mph indicated. No problem outrunning the 109's.
A misplaced return waypoint prevented me from finding the worries, I corrected that for the next time I fly the mission.
Question, does Janes WW2 Fighers model different aircraft's strengths, like the Jugs ability to take damage, or are they all about the same?
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
[This message has been edited by Dann (edited March 27, 2001).]