You Wrote:
For once, this is one area where I don't care about realism.
I'd far rather something in my own back yard and something that has more relevance to me.
Even if the scenario isn't that realistic - think about it:
* Russia invades the Baltic states (Belarus, Lithuania)
Why? Were extensive reserves of Power PC Chips discovered there?
* Nato move fighters into German airbases
Why? NATO already has fighters in Germany and those fighters are almost a 700nm from the targets that would effect an invasion of the former Baltic States.
* NATO bring troops over to Germany
Why? You invade Russia and you catch a nuke in the teeth. Doesn't have to be a big nuke but a nuke on their soil is completely within their rights.
* You could fly as British, German and Italian Typhoons on CAPS
Okay, but a CAP is a 1,001 circles 'bored' in the sky. They mean nothing to a force you are intending to prevent from invading and if you wait ala Serbia and Desert Storm, it will be fait d'accompli.
* Possibly NATO may fight back rather than just defend
I think so. Russia want's Russia takes. If we intend to provide security for the Baltic States as Clinton 'promised, just short of NATO', there is no way in hell we can do it from within NATO's bounds. Defensively or politically. I wonder what Germans think of whacking that Bear in the nuts with sticks based in their territory? Is Poland ready to take the German's place?
* RAF patrols over the north sea off Scotland - e.g. against bear bombers, Tu-22Ms, etc
Why would Russia attack England over battlefield and transport node concentrations a 1,000nm eastwards? Is France refusing passage of forces? It makes no sense to attack Reforger when all of this is going to be over before we get there and considering how gutted our own CONUS levels are. You've _got the best already_.
OTOH, this LINK- Seems to state that there are 100 Backfire, 80 Bear and 13 Blackjack still flying.
If I have so few assets (and probably fewer cruise to arm them with) I will NOT be wasting them on multihour blue water transits over a Blue Force dominated battlespace. 1 AEGIS missile trap and my strategic power projection is /gone/.
OTOH, with whatever Kh-55/65/101 I can actually muster, I can still fire missiles from the top of the Kola or the 'far side of Engels' and hit any damn target I want from Germany East.
* Escorting Nimrods over the north sea
For What Reason? Pirating Scandinavian porn again?
* Russia invades Finland (even if they are neutral - possibly Sweden as well)
Hell, if they want that peace of real estate, I've sure got some prime swampland in the South of Florida for them.
From a peak of about 200, the Russians are lucky to put together a single division these days. They suffered a 1,000 deaths and nearly 800 dissertions from causes ranging to bizerk hazing rituals to No Food and No Heat.
Now you want them to replay Barbarossa, backwards, for crap territorial gains?
I isolate their transport gas and they will be /begging me/ for the right to _walk back_ home and starve as opposed to freeze.
Then we can talk about decreasing the wheat dole for all those civillians we feed.
You want revolution? Whupp there it is.
* We're back to Norway again - huge NATO presence there
If you say so. I'd rather backstroke through a swimming pool full of rattlesnakes than freeze my butt off pretending Norway has more than fish to my penguin act.
* US Carrier fleet in North Sea
Why? When I can put Cruise into Kola without crossing the 60th parallel on /either side/ of the globe.
* The Brits bring their two new carriers with Typhoons/JSF into play (they would have already - possibly bring them into Baltic sea - don't know if this is possible sealane wise in Denmark)
'Welcome to my bathtub' said the mine to the moron.
Better your decks than mine I guess.
* Russian fighters/bombers cross to Poland
The Russians have about 450 Su-24 and 180 Su-25. Perhaps '500' MiG-29. Most of these are split across CIS gaps so large that it would indeed take a new revolution to bring them back in.
On an 'any given daily' operations basis, I would guestimate that you can divide that by ten on all airframes (of mixed type/series run) for 'parts and labour' to get running.
say fifty for each tacair and 20 for each strategic type.
And then there's gas.
/Old Hand/ (RHIP) Russian pilots average 50-70hrs a _year_ flying these machines, because they cannot pay for fuel and/or have to trade it on a food:flight hours basis. Fresh-from-training, novices get less than 20.
They have ZERO experience in independent force projection and were /always/ interdiction targeted to fixed force concentrations (the Belgian and French ports, our prepositioned and nuclear depot stores etc.) and in direct support of the frontal forces.
You have all our forces massed in Germany. 600 miles out and an AMRAAM for each one vs.
50-80 planes of each type.
Better them than me brudda.
* Land army invade Poland
Which Mongol Hun are your gonna hire?
* NATO steps in forcefully
Oooooh, Go Ahead daddy, /spank me/. I'll just press the little Red Button and then pull down my trousers shall I?
Russia is a superpower ONLY by virtue of her nuclear might. That is the reason that her nuclear arsenal is the ONLY thing she has continued to modernize.
Our entire reason for NATO-being was defensive. You want us to go into former Russian colonial provinces and 'protect ourselves' by kicking the crap out of Russian armed invasion by all of two peasants and a mule (for eating) in their own backyard?
That sure puts the lie to the 'Honorable Defense' now don't it?
And the Russians are bloody minded bastards who would (and have, repeatedly) blown up what they perceive to be 'their own country' rather than hand it over to an 'outside' invasion force.
Very clannish, very close minded, very Razed Earthish. Few other options.
You don't push a desparate killer into a corner with a stick of uranium and a polonium blasting cap and No Other Options.
Come on, that's half of what the scenario of Typhoon is anyway, but in Typhoon YOUR action was centred on Iceland - just expand the theatre so you're involved in the whole war.
I guess one of the reasons the U.S. is a global power is that we realize there is more to the world than Europe. 'Or even Iceland'.
I guess one of the reasons Europe ain't is that she is all too prepared to spread-leg impale herself in pursuit of dulce et decorem est 'glory' on her own soils.
I take a dump in the bathroom and I've been known to pop off a few on the range but I don't invite people to cap off a clip in my bathroom nor do I crawl over the gunrest to evacuate my bowels when the range master looks up and down the line and says "Ready, At Will...FIRE!" (though I might do so, involuntarily, if the situation were forced upon me...;-)
European nature seems to be inherently bent to exactly that kind of masochistic exposure trauma.
Because it is 'relevant to them'???
Oh Freud, "Ahm So Cunfoosed!".
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I would be prepared to pay over £60 for a game that let me did this, with different campaigns, a whole theatre like this with multitudes of realistic missions to fly, and a TAW style campaign interface that let you control and tweak things.
Then do it the 'old fashioned way' with WARPAC era weapons systems against an opponent driven insane by listening to a litany of 70-years-a-corpse dogma.
If there is one thing technology warfare should have taught us 'buy now' it is that airpower show-sports are for third world wannabes 'fighting' a game they don't even realize they are blood-stooge players in.
You get serious and it comes down to missiles fired from beyond ANY reasonable expectation of tactical 'airpower' to have any effect whatsoever.
Getting mired in a New Revolution Russia, 2006, is exactly that kind of Hell's Bells and Bifrost's Horn scenario.
Cheers, Manteau
You too sir...KP