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Dear Badboy,

It is a pleasure to see, that you answer questions of many people relating to Rage´s/DiD´s Eurofighter Typhoon. Our Virtual Fighter Wing MOSQUITOS consists of eight long years expirienced hardcore F-22 Total Air War pilots. In our german forum at infogrames we have just started the thread or part number 55 for F-22 Total Air War. Every part consists of at least 50 postings. We have discussed all themes from aviation technology, tactic, strategy, air combat maneuvers, bugs and hints of Total Air War. In a special Word97 document we have collected all bugs of F-22 Total Air War in order to fix them in the next simulation. In April 1999 and June 2000 I mailed this mentioned script to DiD and Rage. DiD was very amazed and one member of DiD answered that my ideas were very useful and forwarded it to the lead encoder of Eurofighter 2000 v3.0. Therefore we are very interested in to know, what bugs are already fixed in the brand-new Eurofighter Typhoon.

Every fighter can perform a starflight without decreasing of speed, when the thrust weight ratio is at least one. The real Eurofighter Typhoon has got a thrust weight ratio of 1,33. Full reheat thrust is about 18.000 kilopounds and the normal take-off weight about 13.500 kilograms with fuel internal fuel and no payload.

Question 1 : Does the Rage Eurofighter Typhoon can perform a starflight with increasing of speed @ (full internal fuel and no payload) ? At least speed hold in starflight?

Question 2: Does the Rage Eurofighter Typhoon auto pilot mode throttle can hold the entered speed with the use of the reheat in horizontal flight?

Question 3: Do the enemy aircrafts can take-off from runway, when the enemy runway is totally covered with holes caused by MK83Fs?

Question 4: How long is the time to repair the enemy runway? 3 hours 6 hours or 12 hours?

Question 5 : What are the 12 available weapons (air-to-air & air-ground) for Eurofighter Typhoon?

Question 6 : Do any other allied aircraft has got anti-runway weapons like Durandal, JP233 a.s.o. (penetration bombs or Cluster Bombs)

Question 7 : How many static targets an Eurofighter Typhoon ICEFOR wingman can destroy in one mission? In TAW they could destroy only one.

Question 8 : How many static targets an allied aircraft can destroy in one mission? In TAW they could destroy only one.

Question 9 : War Room - Can I select the target classes for the own Eurofighter Typhoon ICEFOR squadron manually independend of the incoming threats? (I want to select air force bases, ground early warnings, anti-ship, anti-submarine, anti-cruise-missile, combat air patrol, battle airfield interdiction, close air support at any time independend from the current strategy)

Questioni 10 : War Room - Can I select the target classes for our allied aircrafts like Tornado a.s.o. manually independend of the incoming threats? (I want to decide air force bases, ground early warnings, anti-ship, anti-submarine, anti-cruise-missile, combat air patrol, battle airfield interdiction, close air support at any time independend from the current strategy for the allied aircrafts manually)

Question 11 : Mission Planer - Can I customize the complete mission for the own Eurofighter Typhoon ICEFOR squadron (target class, weapons loadout, waypoints and altitude profile, IP direction) manually?

Question 12 : Mission Planer - Can I customize the complete mission for the other aircrafts like tornado a.s.o. manually, too?

We looking forward to hearing from you the answers.

From Germany with Love
Anna from Mosquitos Virtual Fighter Wing
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Hi Anna

Here are a series of shots that will show the weapons selection process.

We begin in the game with two flights in the briefing room. We have to wait until a flight goes into the planning phase before we can select or modify a weapons loadout. Te next screen shows the announcement that Villain has entered the planning phase.

The player clicks on this screen to bring up the planning screen.

The player clicks on the bomb symbol to bring up the weapons edit screen. When he does so, the screen comes up with the default loadout for that mission.

This screen shows all the weapons available for Typhoon Eurofighters. AI controlled allied fighters will have additional weapon types.

Let's say the player wants to reconfigure his loadout. He begins by clicking on the + symbol. This deletes all of the weapons on the aircraft (except for the gun).

Now the player clicks on the weapon slot that he wants. It then highlights in red. Next the player places the mouse arrow on the staion where the weapons are to go and clicks to load the weapons. One click loads that station on both sides of the aircraft.

When the player has loaded his choice of weapons, he clicks OK. That will be the loadout for him and his wingman.

Hope this helps.


[This message has been edited by Andy Bush (edited March 25, 2001).]

Hi Andy,

thank you for the very fast answer to question number 5. You answered our question number 5 to our full satisfaction. Your idea to anwer the question number 5 is very good. We are a little disappointed that, the smart weapons like stand-off cruise missiles MATRA/BAE Storm Shadow or LFK/BOFORS TAURUS and unpowered glide bombs GBU-31 JDAM and DWS-39 were not integrated in Rage´s Eurofighter Typhoon? Your anwer to question number 5 gives us new questions. Here they are

Question 13 : Could you tell us the nominal range for


Question 14 : Which weapons for our Eurofighter Typhoon ICEFOR squadron we can expect in progress of the campaign?

Question 15 : I want to blow up a hardened hangar with a guided Brimstone missile. The guidance of Brimstone is millimetre wave radar and infra red. Is the target aquirement automatically or manually with moving aiming cross on multi function display?

Question 16 : I want to blow up a hardened hangar with a guided Brimstone missile. The guidance of Brimstone is millimetre wave radar and infra red. Do I have to turn on my radar in order to get a fire-control solution or can I look up with passive Infra-Red and radar turned off?

Question 17 : The anti-ship missile AGM-119 Penguin Mk III is guided with INS Inertial Navigation System, radar-altimeter and infra-red. Do I look up the weapon with active radar or passive infra-red?

Question 18 : I read something about a nuclear device in Rage´s Eurofighter Typhoon. Does it means power plant or nuclear weapons? Free fall nuclear weapons or nuclear stand-off weapons? Perhaps the ekranoplane is equipped with 8 pieces of MACH 3.0 sea-skimming surface-to-surface missiles type SS-N-22 Sunburn?

Who of you can answer the other questions? Badboy where your are and what are you doing, now? Please help us.

From Germany with Love

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13. Here are some nominal ranges. 'Nominal' means low altitude, 500 KIAS, and no target. A2A missile ranges will increase with increases in speed, altitude, and target closure.

Meteor - long - ~32 nm
- med - ~24 nm
ASRAAM - ~5 nm
ALARM - ~15 nm
Penguin - ~10 nm
Brimstone - ~8 nm
CTV-7 - ~3 nm (but usually you will shoot much closer for accuracy since the rocket is unguided).

14. You will have all the weapons listed from the beginning of the campaign. However, on A2A missions such as CAP, you will only have A2A weapons available. A2G missions, no restrictions.

15/16. A hardened hangar is not a good target for a has too small of a warhead. An LGB would be better. Targeting is done automatically. You cycle to get the target you want. As I understand the Brimstone, the missile is fired with the target's location programmed in. The on-board missile radar then provides acquisition and tracking to impact. All Typhoon Brimstones are mm wave missiles...none are IR. You can target and fire the missiles with your radar off.

17. The radar provides a longer range target acquisition for Penguin. You can lock with either.

18. It means the Russians have a nuclear A2G capability and will use it if necessary. You will need to stop this from happening! The delivery systems are aircraft.

Badboy is taking a well-deserved day off!


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Can the Typhoon nuke something?

I'm sure england wouldn't sit around while Russia throws nukes around


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Hi Andy,

your are really very kind to answer our questions so incredibly fast. You will be always in our mind, Andy.

Question 19 : How many Brimstone missiles do I need to destroy a hardened hangar completly? Of course I know that the Brimstone is primarly an anti-tank weapon like the american AGM-114 Hellfire.

Question 20 : Can I aquire hostile parking oder rolling aircrafts with the Brimstone anti-tank missile?

Question 21 : In reality one Brimstone or Hellfire can destroy an fighter aircraft completly. Can I destroy a hostile fighter or bomber aircraft with one unique Brimstone anti-tank missile? For this case, we could destroy 18 aircrafts in one fly pass very fast.

Question 22 : Do I have got two launch modes „lock before launch“ and „lock after launch“ like Comanche or Apache attack helicopters in connection with AGM-114 Hellfire?

Question 23 : What is the maximum passive infra-red detection range to aquire an air, ground or surface target?

Question 24 : What is the maximum active-radar range to aquire an air, ground or surface target?

Question 25 : Will a physically small size of the unit decrease the maximum radar detection range? For example : Snorkeling submarines and very small surface contacts a.s.o.

Question 26: How many fighter and bomber aircraft will the russian forces move to Iceland? 100 pieces or 1.000 pieces?

Question 27 : How many warships will the russian forces move to the coast-lines of Iceland? 100 pieces or 1.000 pieces?

Question 28 : Unfortunately ICEFOR strike forces have no AWACS. Will we have ground installed long-range air search radars at least?

From Germany with Love

We are looking forward to hearing from you again the answers to the questions 1 – 4 and 6 – 12 and 19 – 28, too.

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Hi Anna! It's great to see another woman pushing heavy metal in the virtual sky. Typhoon's going to have options for female pilots in the mix, too, so aviatrixes don't have to take on male personas if they don't want to. I give the Rage team high marks for this, even though I dislike the avionics simplification. Can't have it all, but if you can have what's important, that's a good thing. More of us need to pick up these games.


I have a REALLY inane, off-topic question. Can you do me a huge favour, and boot up the game with an MP3 player running in the background, then tell me if it works? One "Top gun" sort of thing I get a charge out of Total Air War with is running an MP3 player in the background with rock-n-roll tunes while dogfighting in-game; your very own soundtrack. Yes, I know-a little silly. But, it's fun sometimes.

Miao, Cat

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Leon is going to take over...I've got to get to work!


I can play MP3s on Real Player while the game is playing. Also, I can minimize the game using Alt-Tab to open another song without any disruption of the game. The only thing I saw was that game audio seems to be absent...maybe that is the way it is supposed to be...I don't play songs when I fly. I do hum a few bars now and then tho!



Hi Andy,

I have just looked to your info. Your info looks so interesting, that I must ask you some privat questions.

Privat Question 1 : Where do you come from exactly ? Where is St. Peters, MO ? St. Peters at Montserrat (the beautiful caribbean island 22 nautical miles southwest of Antigua and Barbuda)? Or that St. Peters in the north west of St. Louis of state Missouri? Unfortunately I do not know the country codes like MO. Or it is a state code from a country? But I think it is a state code, because you was at U.S. Airforce, isn´t it so?

Privat Question 2 : Which types of civil aircraft do you fly?

Privat Question 3 : Your info displays USAF Ret. F-4, F-104, A-10, T-37. Means that, that are you retired from active duty?

Privat Question 4 : My encyclopaedia of civil & military aviation has got an index about 2.500 different aircrafts. The book offers for every aircraft coloured photos, 3D views, complete history and lots of tech datas. Of course I could find McDonnell F-4E Phantom II, Lockheed F-104G Starfighter and Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II. But what for hell is the T-37? I can find T-1A Jayhawk (Beech Modell 400A Beechjet) for TTTT Tanker-Transport Trainer System of U.S. Airforce. I am afraid, I need a designation of aircraft type and aircraft company in order to find the T-37.

Privat Question 5 : What for an civil aircraft you would buy, if you would have got enough money? My favour aircaft is the Piper PA-46 Malibu Mirage. But I like the SOCATA TBM 700, too.

Privat Question 6 : Unfortunately the SST super sonic transporter business jet of the frensh company Dassault is not present in my book. The only facts I know are the : airframe Falcon 50, non-stop range of 8.000 nautical miles, cruise velocity MACH 1,8, empty gross weight 20.000 kilograms, maximum take-off weight 40.000 kilograms. Very heavy business jet like a flying fuel bomb. Lol. Do the engines of Dassault SST business jet will reach the velocity of MACH 1,8 with reheat or with full dry thrust? But I think SST is powered with afterburner, when I look to the max. take-off weight, caused the fuel mass. SST is very thirsty. I can not find a photo of the SST. Have you ever seen one photo, Andy?

Privat Question 7 : The view at an altitude of 15.000 Meters (49.213 feet) must be amazing. Have you got some photos of our beautiful planet at this altitude?

From Germany with Love

P.S. : Do you fly intercontinental flights? If you are not so tired, I would be happy, if you could answer this seven questions in internet cafes of the hotels instead of flirting with stewardess. We stay in contact.

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1. St Peters is in Missouri.

2. I'm a Captain on a DC-9 airliner.

3. I am retired from the USAF.

4. The T-37 is the primary jet trainer used by the USAF. I was an instructor in it from 1969-1972.

5. Pitts Special.

6. I don't know anything about such a plane. I thought the Falcon 50 was a sub-sonic business jet.

7. Been there but don't have any pictures!

8. My wife would take a dim view of your last question.


Hi Leon and Badboy,

where are you all? On holiday?

From Germany with Love

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S! Anna

just dropped in here; had to read over your thread though, as I am an ardent follower of Modern Military Aviation, having nearly every mag and good book on it, and of course all the sims, we came to love;
currently, I am mostly flying EAW and F/A-18 from Janes, but I am following developments in modern military aviation closely;
your question concerning the use of all those super-modern weapons stuff arose my interest though;

as Andy said, the Brimstone is not the best option to take out a HAS, an LGB is much better, because I came to learn that the Brimstone was developed as some kind of advanced Hellfire-type thingmie, therefor offering much different employment envelopes;
anyhow, I think it is a waste of resources to use the Typhoon as tank-hunter, Harriers should be much more useful there, a trend also followed by the RAF;
also, if you take a look at the procurement policies of Europes airforces, one must wonder a little bit;
the RAF did consider removing the Gun from its Typhoons, and Germany, as far as I know, will not integrate the full version of DASS;
also, it is unlikely that the US will give away its most precious guided weapons in the form of JDAMs JSSOW and assorted stuff so easily;
it is strange to read that the first country to receive a full briefing and also full integration of AMRAAM was Sweden; (WAPJ->focus article about Saab Grippen)
During the air war over Kosovo, the US gave away its old stocks of LGBs to their allies, the French Navy Super Etendards and Mirage-2000 multi-role fighters suffering particularly hard from the bad shape of the weapons, given to them; this IS a fact and can be read in several articles on World Air Power Journal and other mags and publications;
I would therefor say that the current weapons option for Typhoon as depicted in the screens is a good closure of what the real article will have to fight with;

concerning your question-what is the T-37;
this is, or was (?) the primary jet trainer of the USAF, its full designation should be something like Cessna T-37 Jayhawk;
this type also saw combat in vietnam, albeit in slightly modified form and still flies as a Coin-fighter in Colombia I think;
the T-37 will see replacement with the new Texan II I think, but I am no expert in Trainers anyway;

btw, my favourite light ( )airplane is and always will be the T-28 Trojan;
I was fortunate enough to get a ride in one some years ago, the experience of my life till now;
otherwise we do much flying in Cessna 172s and Piper Cherokees, nice little thingmies too;

ok, enough from me here

Anna, greetings from me and Vienna


Though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of Death I fear no evil as I am the meanest SOB in the valley

Experience of battle divides those who talk about nothing but the anticipation from those who talk about everything but the memory of it.
Hi Andy,

than you for your rapid answers again. Now I am satisfied. Calm down your wife, I am just only the Anna and not a stewardess

Hi BlackLion,

thank your for the exact designation of aircraft company and aircraft type in relation to T-37. Yes now I have just found the CESSNA Modell 318E / T-37 Tweet / A-37 Dragonfly. One two seater, where the teacher is sitting left and the rookie is sitting right I suppose. With an big glas cockpit/canopy. Nice I will write a special postings relating to your message in one an hour. See you latter

Hi Cat,

come back and make "Miau". Let us take about the open answers together. Hi everybody out there? Are all the americans so nice as you all? I think I must move to Barbados.

From Germany with Love

One thing BlackLion the Typhoon / Rafaele dont need JASSM, they use the Storm Shadow which is basically a european version of the same thing (stealth cruise missile) in service from 2002.

Another thing i was thinking of is if Rage wanted to get around all the whingeing about the LGB's in typhoon having no designator pod why did'nt they just replace LGB's with the JDAM, it does the same job only it does'nt need a designator and can be re-targeted independantly, and the RAF is getting some in the next year or so anyway..

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Originally posted by Anna:
Therefore we are very interested in to know, what bugs are already fixed in the brand-new Eurofighter Typhoon.

Unfortunately I cannot be very helpful regarding bugs, I’m not a beta tester, never have been, never will be. I don’t go out of my way to look for bugs, but I do get just as frustrated as anyone else when I find them by chance

Question 1 : Does the Rage Eurofighter Typhoon can perform a starflight with increasing of speed @ (full internal fuel and no payload) ? At least speed hold in starflight?

I’ve never heard the term “starflight” before, but I think I can guess from the context that you mean a vertical climb. If so, the answer is both yes and no, depending on how the manoeuvre is started. If you begin with a clean configuration from low speed and pull into the vertical, the Typhoon will accelerate for a time due to its high thrust to weight ratio, then as the altitude increases it will begin to slowdown. Eventually it will lose airspeed and the nose will drop.

However, if you begin the manoeuvre from maximum speed at sea level before pulling into the vertical climb, the speed will drop continuously as you climb, just as you would expect.

Just as a matter of interest, I was at Farnborough last year when the Eurofighter did its display. I was making a beer run and missed the take off, but what I did see was breathtaking! Here is a quote from a guy called valleyboy who was at the show and saw the entire display.

Originally posted by vallyboy:they had these on display at Farnborough air show last year....also they had Eurofighter flying there........JESUS man, you have NEVER seen something do what that did at the air show!!! Full burn off the runway, and straight into the vertical.....straight up!!!, and that was before it got 1/3 of the way down the runway!

Shame I missed that, but it certainly does speak volumes for the EJ200 engines. They had F-16’s and F-18s at the display, and the F-18s did their low speed high AoA pass over the runway, that has always impressed me but the Eurofighter made them look like biplanes powered with lawn mower engines

Question 2: Does the Rage Eurofighter Typhoon auto pilot mode throttle can hold the entered speed with the use of the reheat in horizontal flight?

The answer is again both yes and no. The Eurofighter can sustain 9g in level flight, but not at all airspeeds. So if you set the autopilot to throttle mode in order to sustain a relatively high speed, it will sustain it even if you pull 9g. However, if you ask it to sustain corner velocity, it won’t. So there are some speeds that can be sustained, and others that can’t be, again, just as you would expect of the real aircraft.

Hope that helps…


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Originally posted by Viper:
Can the Typhoon nuke something?

I'm sure england wouldn't sit around while Russia throws nukes around

That is not an option. Allied forces are determined to preserve Iceland and its peoples, not destroy it. If Iceland falls into enemy hands, the free world will not rest until it has been liberated and democracy restored.

However, the Russians do have a nuclear capability, and they don't appear to share our legal or moral objections to thier use


[This message has been edited by Badboy (edited March 26, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Anna:
Hi Leon and Badboy,

where are you all? On holiday?

Nope, I'm just very busy and you have so many questions, and I have so little time. I fear that if I were to give all of your very good questions the time they deserve, there would be no strategy guide.

I hope the answers I have been able to compose for you have been helpful.


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S! Troll

I refer to an article in World Air Power Journal; it said that the Swedish were the FIRST country to receive a full briefing into the software of the AMRAAM;
it seems that had something to do with the datalink and certain features of it concerning missile guidance;


Though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of Death I fear no evil as I am the meanest SOB in the valley

Experience of battle divides those who talk about nothing but the anticipation from those who talk about everything but the memory of it.
Hi BlackLion,

when I use the Harrier for anti-tank missions and suddenly multiple hostile air superiority fighters like Su-37 Terminators approach, than I can just eject.

When Anna flies air superiority fighter like F-22 or Eurofighter Typhoon, then Anna will even win under multiple air-threat. Anna just needs a high thrust weight ratio in dry or reheat mode, high roll-rates, high turn-rates, low air-drag, low infra-red signatur, low radar cross section and at least six infra-red guided short-range air-to-air missiles. An air superiority fighter like F-22 or Eurofighter Typhoon will provide all mentioned features. So I have got excellence self-defence abilities and the chance to survice increases dramatically.

In DiD´s F-22 Total Air War I can win against 6 Eurofighters or 6 F-22 without any damage. The six hostile aircrafts Eurofighter are equipped with full air-to-air weapons loadout (4 ASRAAMs, 4 AIM-120C AMRAAMs, 4 AIM-120R AMRAAMs). The six hostile F-22 are equipped with 6 AIM-9X Sidewinders and 6 AIM-120C AMRAAMs. My F-22 is equipped with 6 pieces of infra-red guided short-range- air-to-air missiles AIM-9X Sidewinder. It is a high pleasure for me to avoid all hostile air-to-air missiles. I am holding every second my own F-22 in an angle of 90 degree to the incoming missile(s) and deploy chaffs or flares. This is an excellent missile avoiding maneuver with an always success of 100 percent.

When the six aircrafts have launched all their complete air-to-air missile loadout, I can easily shoot down them one for one without any danger. The full dry trust with 25.000 kilopounds of my F-22 hold me in safe distance - more than 2 miles – outside from enemy fighter cannon range. I can play with the enemies like a cat plays with a mouse. I know to use the infra-red guided short-range air-to air missile AIM-9X Sidewinder very well. When Anna fires one Sidewinder missile, it will have got a probability of kill rate of 100 percent. In dogfighting my skill is at least so good, as with the use of Sidewinder. On high difficulty in F-22 Total Air War I can destroy two Eurofighters or two Joint Strike Fighters or four Rafales in a dogfight with cannons only in non-head-to-head confrontations. When I fly with head-to-head confrontations I can destroy as many Eurofighters as I want or my ammo for cannon will go empty.

I do not like LGB bombs, because I have to illuminate the target permanently. I want to keep the ability to move, when a site launches a SAM suddenly. Oh, no no - LGB bombs are nothing for Anna. When Anna is under air and/or ground threat I want to keep my maneuverability. When I want to destroy a hardened hangar with a LGB, then the airfield must clean from SAM Sites, AAA Sites and AA cannons. I need time and/or additional missions to destroy ground based air-defences. In Eurofighter Typhoon we have no time for intensiv main-strike preparations in form with Wild Weasels or SEAD missions I think. I do not want to waste time with cleaning the airfield from air-defences at first.

Therefore Anna uses the penetration method. When I arrive at the enemy airfield I will climb over the ememy aa cannons fire range. So I am in safety. And when the enemies fires surface-to-air missiles I will avoid them one for one. I will destroy hardened hangars with a couple of Brimestones from maximum range. Then I will fly with terrain following back to home base. I can not imagine that any other kind of mission is faster and safer. In order to knock out all hangars with LGBs or free fall weapons you need more time and closer approach to airfield. That costs time and safety. And Anna do not want to loose time or safety.

If you are interested in my missile avoiding maneuver I can suggest you my flight record file (ACMi for DiD´s F-22 Total Air War). Anna vs. 6 Eurofighters or F-22. You can download it under

From Germany with Love

Hi Badboy,

if you, Andy or Leon could answer my open questions until May 2001, I am satisfied.

From Germany with Love

P.S. : My questions are very good you write. Your answers, too I am looking forward to the next answers of you all

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