So I kinda Divorced my Roommates right between the Hurricanes and was delayed in getting my sublet Apartment because of all that. But I had to move so I moved basically walking distance from a part time job that was increasingly becoming full time and I'm retired and 65. Anyway the job became too toxic, too many drunks on both sides of the counter and I finally had enough it was a mutual firing you might say. I had finally moved into my Apartment but because my time was being usurped by the job, I was still living out of boxes, the Sublet doesn't have a complete kitchen and I made my entire Christmas Dinner in my Air Fryer (it was awesome btw).
Moving forward I decided I needed a change, when I moved I just shoved everything I had into Plastic bins, Cardboard boxes and big trash bags. It's an efficiency but roomy and I had every space filled with I dunno what in dusty bins so I just started going through it this morning and sorting out trash. I have probably 50 pounds of dead Video cards and Mother boards, Power supply's and Heat-sink fan combo's enough to fill a 24 bottle beer case to overflowing, half of a huge tote full of Power cables, VGA cables and various audio patch cords. I can't tell you about all the clothing yet 'cos I'm not close to finishing but I have 2 piles of probably 40 year old blue jeans and a hundred T-shirts and every time I open something up it either starts me reminiscing or sneezing...Oddly enough
This turned out to be the best Christmas and New Years in a long time