With WOFF BH&H II V1.21 UPDATE 'RECON WARS' comes many new FREE 2-seater features for more exciting 2-seater careers. Of course we have also had afew updates since then recently but the basics on what the free addon "Recon Wars" gives you, and hopw to use it is below;

Here are the full change notes, instructions, and tips.

You can download the complete Recon Wars Notes and how to play : Recon Wars Notes here.

Please also see section 12 - more helpful tips were added recently.

OBD Recon Wars 21st March 2022

Version 1.21 'Recon Wars'

1) Squadrons carrying out Reconnaissance missions now only have B flight on duty and with up to a limit of 2 max aircraft, 3 if in a French Squad.

2) Reconnaissance missions are seldom escorted - dual Role squads often have a fighter or 2 accompanying in A Flight.

3) Reconnaissance Squadrons now predominantly carry out Reconnaissance type missions with occasional Bombing runs.

4) Bomber Squadrons now predominantly carry out Bombing type missions with occasional Reconnaissance runs.

5) AI Flights now on Reconnaissance runs are limited to 1 or 2 max AC.

6) Fighter squadrons now only escort 2 seaters if they are carrying out a bombing mission and have reduced frequency of Escort type missions.

7) Increased Flak in early years.

8) Fixed a non critical error that would sometimes occur when calculating a frontlines patrol point.

9) Frequency of operations when in Historical mode is now also a function of the year, in addition to being a function of the squadrons ops rating.
So in early years days can advance by more than one day after a mission or on 'T+' to Next Flight.

10) Revised mission briefing Notes for Reconnaissance and Artillery Spotting missions and recommended loadouts.

11) Fixed an issue where rain would sometimes be rendered in Winter instead of snow.

12) Taking Notes, Recon Photos and Sending Messages via R/T and dropping weighted Note Bags during Flight i.e. 'in mission' are now implemented, and real in sim data is gathered:

'Shift+P' - Pilot/Observer Take a Photo: AC must be equipped with a Camera, be at the correct height, be flying level and below any cloudbase
as applicable - limited to 5 plates.

Photos cannot be taken in autopilot mode. Photos cannot be taken in the rain or in poor visibility conditions.
It takes 10 secs to load, focus, expose the Photo Plate and store it. Another Photo can only be taken after 10 secs.
It is best to use the 'bombsight' view - which is customised to be a 'camera sight' as appropriate to take accurate photos.

Tip: Read the above to make sure you understand what is required before heading off to the front.
Check the map (press M to toggle) to see the target waypoint.
Make sure you are right over the waypoint before you take your photographs. Of course you may need to come back over the
target several times to take all your photos.

If you need more help, bring up TAC (press Shift+T together) to check your position is over the red rectangular "box" area
of the target when taking a photo. With a bit of practice you should do well.

'Shift+R' - Observer Send a Message via R/T: AC must be equipped with a Radio Telegraph set, have an Observer to send the Message, be at the correct height.
The R/T Set must have suitable Battery Strength.
Approximately 5 messages can be relayed before the battery is depleted.
It takes 10 secs to send the Morse Message. Another Message can only be sent after 10 secs.

'Shift+I' - Pilot Write a Note down : AC must be equipped with a Pilots NoteBook Set - limited to a number of notes.
It takes 10 secs to write down the Note. Another Note can only be made after 10 secs.

'D' - Drop Notes (In a weighted Note Bag) whilst flying - for example at Frontline HQ.
Notes cannot be dropped if none are taken, or a Notebook is not available (not loaded).
Best to be below 100m when doing this

Note: There is confirmation of these actions in the TAC text display (Shift+T) and its 'advisor' text messages (Ctrl+T), or if not using the TAC
then via the messages at the top of screen (Shift+D).
There are also stats for the 'loadouts' displayed in the HUD (F5)for example

Tips: Using the map (M) will show the waypoints, and the target area waypoint should be obvious as it will usually be in, or beyond, No Mans Land
(large brown region at the front!).
Fly to that object and when over the target take your Notes (or Photo, or Radio message depending on the mission).
The next waypoint is the friendly HQ so you can drop the finished notes at the correct place.
If you need more help, using the TAC will help you to see the rectangular areas that define the target and the HQ that you must be flying over.

Remember before flying to check your load-out is correct, add a camera, radio, or notebook as appropriate. Nothing more
embarrassing than getting over the target and finding you forgot your notebook.

13) Notes, Photos, Messages, and Dropped Note Bags are evaluated at the end of the mission. (Mission Details -> Recon Details)
This is based on final state of the players AC, Pilot and Observer, the AC Attitude: Roll/Pitch.
As well as Altitude, Visibility, Location where Photos, Notes and Messages are taken, and Notes dropped.
The results are compared to the mission objectives.
Photos can be determined as blurry, over exposed, hazy etc despite being taken within the correct proximity to the mission objective.
R/T messages are not always received despite being sent from the correct location.

14) Mission Debrief Details screens relate to the player how successful his mission intel gathering was - Recon Details Icon now appears in Mission Details as appropriate.
Clicking this Icon takes the player to a detailed interface showing intell gathered.

15) Radios and Cameras can be damaged and rendered in-operable.

16) The Camera cannot be operated if Pilot is too injured.

17) Notes cannot be made if Pilot is too injured.

18) Radio Messages cannot be sent if the Observer is too injured

19) Exposed Photo Plates can be damaged after being taken, based on the players AC damage level after landing.

20) Artillery Spotting or 'Battery Ranging' - if Notes are being taken re 'fall of shot' due to non availability of R/T sets, then they sometimes have to be dropped off at a local HQ.
Otherwise they must be returned to your Squadron Commander at your homefield.

21) Reconnaissance - if Notes are being taken due to non availability of Cameras, then they sometimes have to be dropped off at a local HQ.
Otherwise they must be returned to your Squadron Commander at your homefield.

22) Photos are always returned with you to your homefield.

23) The Sector HQs along the frontlines, introduced in BH&HII, are now available in QC in 'Over The Lines' QC Quick Flight Type.
Note: Because the frontlines move and were often 'vague' the red frontlines on the maps are a guide only - as they were in the war - this has always been the case.
It is why you are sometimes captured when you are forced to land and you considered yourself to be in friendly territory 'map frontline wise'.
It is therefore always adviseable to try to get well clear of the front when forced to ditch with engine failure, damage etc.

24) Loadouts: Player must select an appropriate 'Loadout' for his mission objectives as outlined in the briefing.

25) Altitude and Range From Objectives: Notes must be made within 150 to 1650m (Visibility Dependant) of Objective and not too Low - must be at the flight altitude approx
Notes (in a weighted Bag) must be dropped when instructed to do so within 200m of Drop Objective point and at an altitude not higher than 150m.
Photos Must be taken within 350m of Objective point at the instructed flight altitude height approx.
R/T Messages Must be sent within 150 to 1650m (Visibilty Dependant) of Objective point and not at a low altitude - > 1000m.
Low Altitude results in poor signal transmission that are too weak to be received properly.
26) Loadout Availability: Sometimes Radios and Cameras are not available as they are either out of order or removed for service - player will then have to use his note book.

27) Oblique Photo Recon from friendly lines is not catered for.

28) All Squadron Operations for Player and AI are now affected by Weather. This affects Mission Types and Altitudes and is switchable in Workshops.
On Heavy Cloud or Raining/Snowing Days where the weather is not quite bad enough to call off operations then:
1) Operations for all Squadron types generally become more defensive in nature (mainly within Friendly lines).
2) They also take place at lower alts and Recon Photographing and or Artillery Ranging for Reconnaissance Squadrons cannot be undertaken.

29) Recon/Artillery Spotting (Battery Ranging) outcomes on Notes/Photos and R/T messages are collated in the pilots Dossier Log.
These can then be seen when 'mouse moving' over the specific Mission Remarks (right hand page) in the pilots Log Book.

30) Revised Flak levels over the years at frontlines.

31) Revised weather algorithm for historically 'Good' and 'Light' days.

32) Added new exterior mounted camera loadout models for a selection of German and British aircraft:
Aviatik BI, Aviatik BII, Aviatik CI, RAF BE2c, RAF BE2c Early.
Note - All AC that had Cameras and or R/T capability can still be used for Recon in the expansion - but the 3D models of these units is not represented yet in game.

33) Added Camerasight and Bombsight to N12

34) In game AC Labels revised to display 'On reconnaissance' instead of 'On patrol' when appropriate for Reccy craft.

35) Some General Comments about BH&HII Recon Wars:

Recon craft are very vulnerable and the best tactic is to get as high as possible within the mission parameters.
Always adjust your 'Circle Up Waypoint' to a suitable location away from the frontlines to avoid flak and enemy fighters.
To do this select the Circle Up waypoint in the waypoint selection list in control bar below the map in the briefing room.
Move the waypoint using the Up Down Left Right buttons located above the waypoint selection list.
Also bear in mind when locating your 'circle up point' that enemy fighters tend to fly within friendly lines - more so the Allied fighters than the Central Powers.
Make sure you load up the recommended loadout for the recon mission as indicated in the briefing text.
If you are instructed to air drop notes at an HQ then be very cautious about your approach to the HQ.
Return to friendly territory at a high altitude, especially when crossing the front lines, and then turn and approach the HQ from the friendly side.
Set 'Forced Encounters' to 'Off' or maybe 'Medium' (which is quite hard) in Workshops if you want to experience a more accurate and longer duration career.
Remember 'Forced Encounters' is there to enable players in fighter craft to gain more combat exposure in a shorter period of 'sim time'.

36) Damaged/Shelled AFs are now populated with a certain number of 'Blown Trees' and some 'damaged buildings/smoke' as well as showing bombardment shellholes around the perimeter.

37) If you fly at very high altitudes for more than 10 mins and your AC is not equipped with heating systems and or Oxygen, your vision slowly deteriorates. (Goggles Glass effects must be on in Workshops)
Your Vision slowly recovers as you descend to reasonable alts.

38) Implemented Filters in QC interface to optionally filter Aircraft on 'year' and or 'type'.

39) Implemented a 'Random Aircaft' setting for opposing AC in QC that will randomly put up different enemy aircraft each time you fly - and filtered appropriately by the players 'filter settings' as described in 38)

40) When a 'Random Aircraft' is selected in QC the distance from player is randomly changed automatically every run.

41) Improved high altitude performance of all AC.

42) Fixed an issue where some target facilites did not have suitable target items for bombers.

43) In the News Interface you can now peruse Previous News Paper Editions.

44) In the Campaign Interface you can now always peruse Latest/Recent News via the News Icon so its now easy to catch up on News you might have missed after Hospitalisation,Time Advance, or Captivity etc.
Note 1: The Latest News date might be before the Current Campaign Date if there is no news for the Current Day
Note 2: News for the Day (if any) is still automatically announced after the Morning Briefing.

45) Implemented Workshop settings for either disabling, enabling or allowing the user to decide 'on the fly' in campaign about the Historical Weather Cancels all Flights
- '24/48 Hours All Flights Cancelled'
Note 1: This only applies when the user is using Historical Weather Mode and not AI Weather Gen Mode - see page 1 of Workshops

46) Added 65 new skins for some 2 seaters kindly made by user WOFF user ‘Jerbear’! These are for the following aircraft; Aviatik C.I,
DFW C.V, Hannover CL.III, Roland C.II, Rumpler C.IV.

47) Various minor aircraft model and loadout fixes. F.E.2b, Rumpler C.IV mapping tweaks. B.E.2c series, B.E.12, Morane L, Hannover CL.III loadout adjustments.

Of course to see even more changes and features we have released for free since, see the sticky post here.

Last edited by Polovski; 08/14/22 08:39 PM.


OBD Software, developers of epic, immersive flight sims;
Wings Over Flanders Fields and Wings Over The Reich