They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
"A great deal of an aeroplane could be holed without affecting its ability to fly. Wings and fuselage could be—and often were—pierced in 50 places, missing the occupants by inches (blissfully unaware of how close it had come until they returned to base). Then the sailmaker would carefully cover each hole with a square inch of Irish linen frayed at the edges and with a brushful of dope make our aircraft 'serviceable' again within an hour."
Nice ones so far! And yes.. if you're having issues, no matter what they are, post them over on the Tech thread. This thread is just meant for showing off your views and experiences in the new sim. Thanks! Keep rolling!
The Black Baron of Boistrancourt returns!!
I'd rather die fighting, than live for nothing. - Gen. G.S. Patton
Here are a few screenshots from my DID Campaign pilot's morning sortie, an escort of five Breguets of ESC 218 down to attack the Hun lines south of Amiens. On the return a kette of DR.1s tried to spoil the show. My man, Captain Frederick Abbott of 65 Squadron, got to experience the new AI features firsthand when he wound up in a VERY protracted go-round with a particularly skilled air Hun. The King's own did win the day, but it took a long time to do it. Well done OBD, you've made an already challenging WWI combat flight sim even more so. I love it!
Forming up 'B' Flight and heading across to the rendezvous point. Check out that enhanced scenery with all settings max'd out in the workshop.
Keeping watch over the Breguets as the armada heads south, passing Amiens along the way.
Captain Abbott's dance partner for this waltz.
Each time Freddy thought he was about to get a shot on the Hun, the slippery fellow eluded him.
Round and round and round they went, a swirling fight all the way.
But in the end Abbott got a bead on his opponent; the twin Vickers barked and brought the affair to a close.
The Captain followed the DR.1 down where it was seen to crash into a line of trees.
Freddy makes a note of the location for his report, and climbs away to rejoin the rest of his crew for the return home.
Three RFC Brass Hats were strolling down a street in London. Two walked into a bar, the third one ducked. _________________________________________________________________________
Former Cold War Warrior, USAF Security Service 1974-1978, E-4, Morse Systems Intercept, England, Europe, and points above. "pippy-pahpah-pippy pah-pip-pah"
Hello. Those of you who have BH & HII, do you notice any difference compared to PE? Apart from the somewhat artificial effect of vision with sunglasses, raindrops and blood ?? The Differences justify the payment of 60 dollars ??? Greetings.
Hello. Those of you who have BH & HII, do you notice any difference compared to PE? Apart from the somewhat artificial effect of vision with sunglasses, raindrops and blood ?? The Differences justify the payment of 60 dollars ??? Greetings.
There are a huge list of improvements over and above adding in of goggles, raindrops, etc.
For example, low-level AI combat skills are greatly improved. I haven't seen a single suicide dive into the ground in all the time I beta tested. They fly and fight remarkably well at low altitudes now. Additionally, they are much more aware of enemy aircraft when taking off and landing. Not just when you shoot at them, but as soon as they see you. I got spotted nearly 2 miles away a few times and they switched from landing to fighting to come to meet me! You may read the entire Features improvement list for yourself on the main website.
Additionally, I would suggest it's fair to say that the goggles and rain effects, etc are not merely superficial. The build-up of dirt, cracked lenses and rain effects can very much obscure your vision, much as it must have in the real war. Suddenly, your situational awareness is not as sharp and you find yourself in much more danger than before of being shot up by the fellow that you never saw coming. It has a genuine impact on the experience of how you fight and fly. The Flight Models have been improved with marvelous wind buffeting effects that bring all the flying aircraft to life. When you see it, you will feel much more "there."
Only you can decide if the differences justify the price tag, though. For me, I could never go back to PE, as great as it was. WOFF: BHaH II is greater than the sum of its many additional parts and improvements. It all comes together in a way that fundamentally changes the in cock-pit experience, not to mention all the cool new campaign features.
Hello. Those of you who have BH & HII, do you notice any difference compared to PE? Apart from the somewhat artificial effect of vision with sunglasses, raindrops and blood ?? The Differences justify the payment of 60 dollars ??? Greetings.
I was hoping this would be a great thread with all kinds of amazing screenshots posted of the all-new version... perhaps it still will be. But this warrants a response...
Like anything you purchase in a store, no one is forcing you to. You can sit back and monitor this thread as the pics get posted and decide on your own. No one is asking you to do anything. I will say this about the new version... it's not a new version, it's a new game. Every new release of this title brings it to another level, with new additions to the graphics engine, the scenery, the UI, the history, the enemy AI, skins... damage.. etc..etc.. etc. It forever expands in directions and brings with it new found data that was not previously part of the last release.
Take each release for what it's worth to you... I play Skyrim SE and spend HOURS of my life getting it modded so that it looks amazing. If I could just buy new/updated versions now and then instead of wasting all my personal time doing it... I would.
So being a Junior member... with 18 posts and dropping in with a question like you did... I'd say... stick around. Hold your money as you would. Watch this thread, watch some videos and make your own decision rather than press dedicated members to help you decided. Your hard earned cash is important to you.... my personal time is important to me.... but I gave mine to you so you can experience what the skies of WWI may actually have looked like from the eyes of a German (and some Entente) pilot.
Have a good day,
Last edited by OvStachel; 04/08/2102:59 PM.
The Black Baron of Boistrancourt returns!!
I'd rather die fighting, than live for nothing. - Gen. G.S. Patton
See the features page, literally 100s of new features and improvements if you include improvements to aircraft and other models, visuals and more.
Happy to oblige, my friend! I'll leave my longer rambling for another time - suffice to say: WOFF:BHAHII is absolutely the best First World War flight sim I've ever played. I am utterly blown away by what you've done this time around!
Happy to post some more, Pol. This is a stunning looking sim. It somehow seems to pop more than the previous version and I feel like I'm seeing more of the unique skins this go around. Need to post over to CA, if I can ever remember my login... lol!
Did you notice the good Captain is now sporting a proper mustache? I don't think he had a go-faster stripe in PE?
Great shots Captain, fantastic skins and im a sucker for Winter shots how good does the new scenery look? awesome
Yeah he,s forever stroking it oooh err. Please tell him (you also being a Captain) that he's becoming a bit obsessed with preening himself, he's ran out of wax and is now using engine oil, i caught a glimpse of him this morning
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
Just take it up for a couple of circuits he said... I've repaired the tail skid he said, see what you think when you land her he said... What he didn't say was that as soon as I did get up there, there was a bunch of Huns just waiting to perforate my new kite and bomb the hell out of the bloody drome!
When I did get down, the place was still being plastered... what a carve up! After it was all over, I asked him to have a look at my new kite and could he find time to fix it a bit more... Strewth!