Hi Tony all seems to be fine!! Only 1 prob on Mission Maker I get runtime error 713 MSSTDFMT. DLL, done some digging and it seems to be not uncomom, any thoughts (sorry!!!)
It is another runtime problem, but he only people who need that file are those who host at GameRanger and want to create and save new multiplayer missions. This is a copy of a post on the first page of this thread which has the link to a different runtime files installer: *************************************************************************************************************************** Some time ago I received a PM from Shogun about the Mission Editor generating this error message when he tried to run it: Run-time error 713 Class not registered. MSSTDFMT.DLL
I hit this problem a few weeks ago when I was away in Lyon and I tried to run the Mission Editor on my new laptop. When I got back I made a VisualBasic installer program for the mission editor, which correctly installs the " MSSTDFMT.DLL" file during the installation process.
If you get that error then download it, and run it on your desktop. This will create a folder named "MedPackage" and in this folder there is a "Setup.exe" file.
Run the "Setup.exe", let it install the mission editor anywhere (as the reason for running it is to install the missing file), but do not let it overwrite newer versions of files with older ones.
Mark Twain: I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's.
I am now of an age at which I no longer need to suffer fools gladly
Cheers๐not likely to need that in the near future!!! Everything else I running great YAY, now all I need is to learn how to shoot 'em down๐๐๐, thanx again Jel ๐๐
Mark Twain: I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's.
I am now of an age at which I no longer need to suffer fools gladly
Hi, I'm new to the forum, and could use a little guidance on how to run Uaw 160. I've down loaded the zip files and unpacked then in the UAW160July24th folder, but what happens from there? I can't seem to find the exe to run the application. Not sure what I'm missing, or if it has to be loaded into EAW. Thanks for any help you all can provide!
The key to running your UAW160 is the "DSP20thJuly2022.exe" which is a file manager
Use it to select the eaw exe, the theatre and the plane-set. Then you can launch the game.
Let me know if there is a "runtime error" problem when you try to run the "DSP20thJuly2022.exe".
If it runs OK then try flying a single mission and not an instant mission. Instant missions are based on previous single missions and if you have not flown any there will be a problem.
Mark Twain: I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's.
I am now of an age at which I no longer need to suffer fools gladly
Mark Twain: I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's.
I am now of an age at which I no longer need to suffer fools gladly
Mark Twain: I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's.
I am now of an age at which I no longer need to suffer fools gladly
Mark Twain: I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's.
I am now of an age at which I no longer need to suffer fools gladly
The download is named "UAWMarch27th2023.exe" and it is a 7-zip self installer. The file is just over 1 gigabyte, but running it will create a "UAWMarch27th2023" folder which is over 5.4 gigabytes in size.
Running it will create a "UAWMarch27th2023" folder
My "eaw.ini" file is included.
Running the DSP27Feb2023.exe:
There are 87 plane-sets available
If you get a "runtime error" message when you try to run the DSP27Feb2023.exe or any of the other utilities then check this link:
I will be editing this single post by adding download links when new material is available. The latest additions will be in this first post. If you are reading this and downloading stuff as a guest I strongly suggest that you join SimHQ so that you can make comments or ask for help in this forum