"In my best Bruno Stachel: "Confirmed!" biggrin" Not until you get out and cut the serial number out of the fuselage. You then have to go over to your C.O. and throw the fabric at his feet. THEN you say, "confirmed!"
"From our orbital vantage point, we observe an earth without borders, full of peace, beauty and magnificence, and we pray that humanity as a whole can imagine a borderless world as we see it, and strive to live as one in peace." Astronaut William C. McCool RIP, January 29, 2003 - Space Shuttle Columbia
Well, that's not the real issue. It'll be fine to test fly some new airplane. Might help your career. Just don't mess around the General's wife. Now THAT will be a mistake!
"From our orbital vantage point, we observe an earth without borders, full of peace, beauty and magnificence, and we pray that humanity as a whole can imagine a borderless world as we see it, and strive to live as one in peace." Astronaut William C. McCool RIP, January 29, 2003 - Space Shuttle Columbia
That said, though I could be wrong, I'm thinking there is some kind of post-capture processing applied...I'm not sure these are "straight" screen shots. Again, I could be wrong. To me, the foreground being super-sharp focused and the background being out of focus, isn't something the sim does unaided - that I know of, anyhow.
It is a great effect, though and yes, reminds me of diorama photos I saw as a kid that got me interested in building models, too.