Starting to fly a little bit again, and getting current on your work, Jara.
And not just yours, but the models and airfields and the work coming together from Robert Wiggins, and Panama, and OldHat, and Lou, and Buckeye, and I'm sorry who else I've left out (...and 4L0M and Scout!!!)
All combined, your mod updates are stunning, guys!
Last edited by Bucksnort; 08/26/1703:59 PM. Reason: Added 4L0M and Scout!
Dogfighting is what you do "after" you drop your bombs and blow something up! Can you say "JABO!"
Bucksnort, glad you are enjoying the mods. There has been some amazing work done by many great contributors in the last year. It's great to have so much collaborative effort coming to WOFF, and I'm sure all the contributors are happy to hear you like the work.
Case: Cooler Master Storm Trooper PSU: Ultra X3,1000-Watt MB: Asus Maximus VI Extreme Mem: Corsair Vengeance (2x 8GB), PC3-12800, DDR3-1600MHz, Unbuffered CPU: Intel i7-4770K, OC to 4.427Ghz CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Seidon 240M Liquid CPU Cooler Vid Card: ASUS GTX 980Ti STRIX 6GB OS and Games on separate: Samsung 840 Series 250GB SSD Monitor: Primary ASUS PG27AQ 4k; Secondary Samsung SyncMaster BX2450L Periphs: MS Sidewinder FFB2 Pro, TrackIR 4
Bucksnort, glad you are enjoying the mods. There has been some amazing work done by many great contributors in the last year. It's great to have so much collaborative effort coming to WOFF, and I'm sure all the contributors are happy to hear you like the work.
WOFF UE_Mission_Editor 1.2.1 released - WOFF UE_Mission_Editor 1.2.1 Revision changes: 1) If "Lonewolf" checkbox was selected, RFC escort has been deleted - fixed; 2) Distribution of static planes parked on airfields should be more realistic now; 3) When edited mission for 1917/1918 campaign and user selected populated airfields, editor froze due to typo in WOFF period csv files - fixed;
EDIT: Removed BuckeyeBob's modding of fogColor background weather variable due to my bug in Editor code (WIP). Corrected mod routin will be included in the next release of Mission Editor. My apology.
Last edited by JJJ65; 09/01/1705:52 AM. Reason: Weather mod disclaimer
WOFF UE_Mission_Editor 1.2.1 released - WOFF UE_Mission_Editor 1.2.1 Revision changes: 1) If "Lonewolf" checkbox was selected, RFC escort has been deleted - fixed; 2) Distribution of static planes parked on airfields should be more realistic now; 3) Weather manager enhanced - added BuckeyeBob's fogColor modifying routine; 4) When edited missio for 1917/1918 campaign and user selected populated airfields, editor froze due to typo in WOFF period csv files - fixed;
Jara, regarding item 4 above, Was this typo in my CSV files or only in your copy. If it was in mine I can correct it if you tell me what to change.
Last edited by Robert_Wiggins; 08/31/1712:54 PM.
Case: Cooler Master Storm Trooper PSU: Ultra X3,1000-Watt MB: Asus Maximus VI Extreme Mem: Corsair Vengeance (2x 8GB), PC3-12800, DDR3-1600MHz, Unbuffered CPU: Intel i7-4770K, OC to 4.427Ghz CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Seidon 240M Liquid CPU Cooler Vid Card: ASUS GTX 980Ti STRIX 6GB OS and Games on separate: Samsung 840 Series 250GB SSD Monitor: Primary ASUS PG27AQ 4k; Secondary Samsung SyncMaster BX2450L Periphs: MS Sidewinder FFB2 Pro, TrackIR 4
EDIT: Removed BuckeyeBob's modding of fogColor background weather variable due to my bug in Editor code (WIP). Corrected mod routin will be included in the next release of Mission Editor. My apology.
Thank you, Jara. Although Jara and I are still working on this additional feature of the cloud mod, I think everyone will be pleased with the result. Hopefully, these small revisions to both the cloud mod and the ME will produce even more user options and an even greater variety of weather and sky conditions! Please stay tuned!
“With Major Lawrence, mercy is a passion. With me it is merely good manners. You may judge which motive is the more reliable.”
WOFF UE Populated Airfileds Mod v 1.2 released WOFF UE Populated Airfields Mod 1.2 Revision history: 1.2 Fixed overlapped parked planes on Entente airfields Type 1 Fixed typos and missing airfield data introduced by WOFF UE 2 Combined Airfields mod global_layer.csv files (in coop with RJW) 1.1 Fixed *.csv and *.lib files to allow RJW’s WOFF UE Combined and repositioned airfields mod working
I apologize, I have forgotten to include scenery libraries gsl.lib to my WOFF UE Populated Airfields mod v1.2 that caused the mod does not work properly . Here is the corrected version WOFF UE Populated Airfields Mod 1.3. Do not forget ,pls, to disable previous versions if enabled. Thank you for your understanding.
WOFF UE Mission Editor 1.2.6 ME 1.2.6 Fully compatible version of Mission Editor with the latest release of WOFF UE Populated Airfileds Mod 1.3 that introduces historically correct static planes on airfields. Revision changes: 1) Testing implementation of BuckeyeBob's Weather mod - parsing fogColor variable from root weather files to background weather section (still WIP) ; 2) Decreased number of static (gai) planes for better performance; 3) Weather mod - added cloudcounts comparison routine; 4) Fixed "missing csv entry" Editor hangup; 5) Removed static (parked) planes from abandoned airfields
Just wanted to echo Bucks words..Thanks Triple J and all other modders for your continued work on this incredible sim.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
So I was finally able to test drive the latest version of ME and this is what I was met with:
Absolutely gorgeous morning mist, which I have never seen before in WOFF. I assume this is Jara's and BuckeyeBob's doing. I applaud to both to you bow my head out of respect and salute you I was blown away by the atmosphere. Can't wait to see what else you can come up with and I'm looking forward to the new cloud mod.
I wish it was possible for this morning fog to dissipate when the sun is up and burns through it.
Also, if I may suggest something. I would expect that the people using the historically populated airfields module would have it set permanently to either on or off instead of deciding with every mission. Would it be possible to change this dialogue to a checkmark? Set and forget?
Keep up the awesome work. Next round is on me.
"Take the cylinder out of my kidneys, The connecting rod out of my brain, my brain, From out of my arse take the camshaft, And assemble the engine again."
Glad you like it, Fullofit. Yes, that is my BB Mist.xml file. Although that particular cloud has been in my cloud mod from the start, I wasn't able to get the cloud to look the way I wanted it to without the assistance of JJJ's mission editor. JJJ and I have been collaborating with each other for a few weeks now, and I am very pleased with the result. You should notice several other mostly subtle changes as well, especially after I release an update to the cloud mod tomorrow. JJJ should also have another update to his mission editor very soon.
Good suggestion for the populated airfields selection in the mission editor.
“With Major Lawrence, mercy is a passion. With me it is merely good manners. You may judge which motive is the more reliable.”
Case: Cooler Master Storm Trooper PSU: Ultra X3,1000-Watt MB: Asus Maximus VI Extreme Mem: Corsair Vengeance (2x 8GB), PC3-12800, DDR3-1600MHz, Unbuffered CPU: Intel i7-4770K, OC to 4.427Ghz CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Seidon 240M Liquid CPU Cooler Vid Card: ASUS GTX 980Ti STRIX 6GB OS and Games on separate: Samsung 840 Series 250GB SSD Monitor: Primary ASUS PG27AQ 4k; Secondary Samsung SyncMaster BX2450L Periphs: MS Sidewinder FFB2 Pro, TrackIR 4
Mission Editor v 1.3.0 released WOFF UE_me 1.3.0 Description of changes: - plane selection: added longhorn and morane_n to list of flyables (requires addon planes installation); - weather mod: BuckeyeBob's fogColor mod - fogColor value copied from original weather file randomized with 75% probability; - weather mod: manual wind direction selection is optional now (on user's button click); - fixed windDir copy from source weather file; - Flight itinerary window - when minimized by user, window remains minimized while manually editing waypoints; - Weather mod - shows wind directions; - Weather mod - randomizing wind direction values for individual weather objects
Thank you Triple J and BuckeyeBob for this. Both of your works are really appreciated
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
Well done Jara and BuckeyeBob, many thanks for putting together this latest edition of an already outstanding mod. Looking forward to giving it a go.
Three RFC Brass Hats were strolling down a street in London. Two walked into a bar, the third one ducked. _________________________________________________________________________
Former Cold War Warrior, USAF Security Service 1974-1978, E-4, Morse Systems Intercept, England, Europe, and points above. "pippy-pahpah-pippy pah-pip-pah"
I, too, would particularly like to thank JJJ65 for his never-ending work on the Mission Editor. Without him, my "vision" for the cloud mod could never have been fully realized. Because of JJJ, I may have even a few more tricks up my sleeve!
“With Major Lawrence, mercy is a passion. With me it is merely good manners. You may judge which motive is the more reliable.”