The Good INFO From the MMJOy2 Thread so you don't need to hunt for it - I currently have nothing attached to the Leonardo , which may explain the error? I am just starting this endeavor as I have a gameport FLCS16+TQS and CH Pedals that I have had for many years (nearly unused) with the Stickworks Digital Chips installed , though I still have a number of the Old Chips as well as some new TM Pots and Hat Buttons I got before TM stopped selling them.
- If I remember correctly Windows only recognize joystick that has at least 1 or 2 axis.
And when make modifications in previous configuration (axis, buttons) hit the "Clear settings".
Convert F-16 FLCS will be easy, just wire the axis, and the Shift Register board inside grip to MMjoy2.
For throttle is more easy reuse the existent diode matrix
The "eraserhead" "IBM mouse" (under thumb finger) need be replaced with min-stick or HAT, their serial protocol is not compatible with MMJoy2.
- You were right Sokol1 , once Windows had 2 AXIS (X+Y) assigned JoyCPL started working without the Error above , assigning one button per the FAQ didn't work for some reason. Of course nothing is attached yet so not really working but slowly getting there thanks.
I have been reading the thread since last week , so I have picked up some 74HC165 SReg ,MCP3208 chips and 1N4148 diodes already , just not sure how I'll use them yet , still looking for pics of schematics etc before I get to far into this and ruin something by accident. smile
- I think diodes should be added. My TQS had none
- Where should diodes go in the TQS ? do you mean putting 1N4148 diodes on the buttons for the matrix I was just reading about to stop ghosting? does anyone have Schematics for the FLCS+TQS Wiring perhaps ?
- Think in diodes in this way: One diode in one of 2 pins of each switch or HAT (HAT are just 4 switches around a pole). Then became easy. smile Or, for example using a breadboard for put the diodes side at side, and wire buttons and HAT there.
Do you add the 1N4148 Diode to one of the Button wires in the TQS Handle ? which one ? or does it matter ? or best to do it in the Base just before the Arduino ? ( I have read in the thread that this is for debouncing the buttons and a Hat is really 4 buttons,so I already bought some)
- In what pin of button put the diode don't matter.
- In HAT you will notice 4 wires and one common - because there are 4 switches internally, in this case put one diode in 4 individual wires.
- You can put the diodes in a breadboard on base, but in this case you need run 2 wires for each button on grip.
The diodes in buttons save some wires, but require more attention with wire order.
- The diode don't need by exactly in the switch pin, can be in middle of the wire running for then, if switch are in difficult to access place.
- Thanks , more good info , I did not realise from the reading I needed a Diode on EACH switch in the POV HAT, ie I wasn't thinking about them as 4 individual switches, one for each direction , so one diode on all 4 wires ...lots of Soldering to do then , I'm glad I got a good Soldering Iron after all these years with a Fine Tip as there appears to be 19 wires in the TQS Handle , not sure what is what yet though.
- mmjoy support only 74HC165 and 4021 shift register.
- and use 1N4148 diodes on the buttons (or button matrix) to stop Ghosting
- Since Arduino are cheap, one in each device make thighs more easy to do.
And you get a more flexible set, can use the throttle with other joystick for example.
You can connect the CH pedal - need add a 3rd wire in their pots - to throttle or joy base.
More easy in joy because there are a DB-15 female connector that you can reuse, or migrate this connector for throttle base.
Until now no one did a steep by steep tutorial for do this, since are several ways to do. Maybe you will make the first? smile
In FLCS probable you don't have to change nothing in grip, so is just mater to install Arduino in base - even no need these shield PCB, just a support for then is too small and don't have holes for fix. Easy to do.
Wire the 2 pots and the 6 wires coming from Shift Register on grip.
The ease way to do this is... start make.
- Thanks Sokol1 , I will order some cheap Clone Leonardo's from Amazon , it will take a few weeks from China but I have lots to learn and figure out before they get here anyway smile I could not find a good tutorial for the Bodnar BU USB Connector Boards either when I looked last (surprisingly little help on his site), that why I decided to try MMJoy2 and Arduino since there seems to be good Community Support smile
I have the Original TQS , not the Cougar TQS , so I am not sure what is in the Handle yet , but the F16_FLCS and the Pedals used to attach to it via gameport connectors , The F16_FLCS does not have any extra gameport connectors , just the Old AT Style Keyboard connectors for Input and output (cord which I never cut off) , maybe the F22 Pro did? There is also the DB9 Connector for the Serial Mouse / Cursor Control (which I need to change to a button) . Mot sure If I can reuse some of the Wiring for things as yet.
Not sure what is in the Handle of the FLCS_16 either yet either as I have only opened the base on it and the TQS so far , I am hoping for the Shift register but that may be only in the F22 Handle?.
Thanks for the Info on converting the CH Pro Pedals that will be very handy , not my favorite Rudders (too narrow) but they may have to do for now since I already own them and a set of Gameport TM T2 Racing Pedals and Wheel.
Thanks for your Help and Advice so far .... and Merry Christmas.
- OK, I forget that F16FLCS/22PRO connect to TQS and not the contrary (have one these last there, in the shelf at more than 10 years, not fan of F-16 grip).
But you have two options to connect the pedal, reusing the original cables. In TQS or in F16 in this case using the PS2 cable fitted inside pedal cutting one end or installing there a correspondent PS2 connector, the cable has 5 wires internally and is what you need for pedal:
X, Rx, Rz axis, +5V, GND.
Or in TQS, in this case using the DB15 cable of pedal. What you need change inside pedal is:
The pot's is wired with two wires (as resistance), but for USB you need 3:
But usually this gameport cables has several wires internal, and if need the external mesh over internal cables can be used as Gnd.
In F16 grip has a Shift Register board internally, basically the same of F22 PRO, Cougar or Warthog.
The basic difference between F16/F22 TQS and Cougar TQS is:
Cougar is made in Zamac (cheap metal that can broken is fall on ground), use more cheap potentiometer in throttle axis, their "TDC" is a mini-stick (F22 TQS is mouse for laptop) and has no circuit internally, only a diode matrix.
- Hi, I did converted TM FLCS and TQS to USB with 2 Arduino Pro Micro. FLCS had shiftregister, that I did damage so I had to do a diode matrix. Inside TQS you only have to add diodes to each switch... and connect them. I replaced the rubber thumb thingy with a PS2 ministick. Good luck!!
- But TQS don't has Shift Register (or is integrated in main PCB...).
The easy way is, remove all that have internally, the "laptop" mouse, leave the small button bellow, add one diode in each switch. Not difficult if you plan what do first.
BTW - Eventually, If need you can buy potentiometers from CH - cost ~10$, and use in F16 and TQS, they have same format and values, is too made by CTS, but CH models has better quality.
But TLE501x contactless sensors work better and cost less
Communication between F16 and TQS when connected the old way --- FLCS>RDDR>TQS.If place the MMJOy2 inside TQS will be required for F16
X input
Y input
4 other TLE501x inputs - can be shared between 2 axis.
3 inputs for Shift Register, besides the shared +5V, Gnd
Total of 11 wires.
If MMJoy2 is placed on F16:
Throttle input
Range input
Ant input
X in mini-stick if used
Y in mini-stick if used
10 buttons - 2 x 5 matrix = 7 wires
Total 14 wires
or if not used mini-stick but HAT - 3x5 matrix = 8 wires
Total 13 wires
The others connections are one HAT (COMM) and some press or toggle switches, just require buttons inputs, and as they are few can be wired with diode matrix (row x columns), e.g. 2x5.
- The Keyboard Cable and port on the F16 FLCS is actually AT style , not PS2 but the number of wires is the same I think? 5 , but I think I will Wire the FLCS as one Joystick and the TQS and Rudders connected as another , so I was thinking I could just use the original Rudder to TQS Gameport plug ? but perhaps not, it may need a direct Wire Connection to the Arduino so I would need to add a 15pin Game Port Connector with accessible soldering points.
The format PS2/DIN or DB15 or DB9... don't matter if has the number of pins and wires you need for plug the pedal. You need 5 wires for pedal, study what connector will be more convenient use.
*** Edit ..maybe I misunderstood ? .... more reading and now I think I am not reusing the TQS or FLCS Circuit Boards at all , everything is wired to the Arduino in each base instead.
Yes, only reuse the Shift Register board in the FLCS grip and it's wiring, you need to remove all other boards.
So both TQS and FLCS PCB's are taken out of their Bases to make room for the Arduino Boards ...Thanks for that clarification too...
- This joy & throttle combo need a USB controller with at least 5 axis:
2 for joy X, Y, 1 for throttle, 1 antenna, 1 for range.
Or 7 if you plan use a PS2 mini-stick (2 axis) for replace the "IBM" mouse under thumb in throttle leaving the TQS like Cougar TQS.
The only part of original electronics that you will reuse is the Shift Register board inside F22 grip.
Remove the other circuit boards but leave buttons, HAT, wires and his connector in place.
- The ANT and Range and mini joy pots how connect this PCB?
In TQS the ANT is just a conventional pot, require 3 wires +5V, Gnd, signal.
- The Range pot is not a double stacked pot - ie. 2 pots in one axis
On The Range Pot , the one near the shaft is actually a switch. The one at the bottom is the pot.
See the switch has 2 terminals and the other 3.