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#4301748 10/08/16 08:22 PM
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theOden Offline OP
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Release 7
Download DynMis Release 7

New feature allowing transfer to new squadron (TAB-4-7).
(this should also fix the bug with corrupt mission file when forced to new squadron due to losses or historical events)

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

While at it a minor feature has been added to server info window showing the new day and it's date along with the current airfield.
[Linked Image]

old versions:

Release 6
Download DynMis Release 6

To reduce losses from AI taxi/takeoff 2nd flight will now air-start (RAF 219 Suffered worst in their bigger Beaufighters).
Players using airstart from settings will now count as "player did takeoff" so campaign proceeds.

Same as before, configs need scriptAppDomain = 0

Updated for Blitz/TF4.5 and RAF 219 Sqn flying Beaufighters from Eastchurch added.

Release 5
Download DynMis Release 5

Same as before, configs need scriptAppDomain = 0

If it works, fly and have fun, if it doesn't, delete the mission or burn it with fire.

As per today January 7th this should be usable in MP too:

[Linked Image]

Host will default into player slot (section leader A-flight).
Others should be able to join any plane in the squadron but I guess flight lead should be left to AI.

Any feedback appreciated but bugs and oddities preferred.


Digging into Desert Air Force and X. Fliegerkorps of North Afrika planning ahead for TF5 I decided to have another look at my old Dynamic Singleplayer Mission (DynMis) and found a few issues now adjusted into a release 4.

Dynamic Singleplayer Release 4

Requires Team Fusion 4.312

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

Originally built only for RAF 54.Sqn Hornchurch flying from Rochford but with manual file copying allowing other sets to be used, with R4 all of them are now available in a pack.

Selected lines from readme.txt

This is a rather unusual mission as both the mission file (mis) and briefing file is updated at the end of each mission flown.

To see the new status in the mission selection you need to back out one step extra, or just click fly and you will see the new status inside mission selected.

Along with the two *.cs and *.mis files there is a *.ini file containing the current status of the Battle.

Details about the ini file is found at the top of that very file so have a look if interested to alter some data.

In general every three days will give each RAF Squadron a new plane while each shot down will in average be lost at all other squadrons too.

Each convoy ship sunk by Luftwaffe delays shipments of 100 octane fuel forcing you to fly on 'normal' 87 oct. fuel for a few days (only RAF versions).

Chain Home Radar detects incoming German formations at 85 miles at altitude and if destroyed the Observer Corps will detect formations near coast.

Airfields bombed will not serve CAP flights.

Ports and Docks bombed will delay 100 octane fuel and aircraft production 1 day.

Industrial areas bombed will delay aircraft production 5 days.

Victory Conditions for RAF is met at anytime RAF outnumbers Luftwaffe or if Luftwaffe strength is lower that 3:1 by end of October (but you may proceed to fly the mission well into 1941).

What do I do up there?

As a player and section leader you simply need to follow your flight leaders section and listen to the radio commands.

Follow instructions will put you close to the intruders each flight.

The sector you belong to, flying RAF, has a number of Satellite airfields at its disposal - as you start by 10th July you will be stationed at Rochford (called Sounthend in 'Dover) but you may choose to land at Manston, Hawkinge or Horchurch to reallocate your squadron (I'm sure the squadron leader won't mind).

If you do, the next mission will start at that airfield.

In-game Mission Menu (TAB-4) is available giving you the possibility to request assistance if other RAF flights are CAP nearby.

You may also request positional information on flight leader, nearest friendly flight and also enemy flight.

Axis versions allow player to see what target of the day is using TAB-4 (where RAF pilots may select an alternative airfield)

Release 4 improvements from earlier versions:

When flight lead (RAF) calls out "Let's go and get them" he will head for the targets rather then wait until close.

All CAP flights will intercept the incoming formation once Chain Home Radar detects them (as in prev. versions, earlier when flying high and much later flying low and sometimes detection is done by Royal Observer Corps once the formation reach the coast)

All versions (Luftwaffe and Corpo Aereo Italiano not really tested) now available without manual file copying.

How to reset the mission

If you ever want to reset the whole mission for whatever reason, just remove the ini file and start the mission.

As you enter cockpit there will be a message that the files have been restored and you should now have a new fresh ini-file set for 10 July 1940 again.

Now quit the mission and return to the main menu (or the game will still show you old information, but the files are fresh in case you just start it up again without going back to the main menu)

How to install

Put this folder, or the files, in "My Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD\missions\Single" or any there nearby folder.

Open your conf.ini and confs.ini to add "scriptAppDomain = 0" as shown:

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

(Not really sure this is needed in TF 4.312, but to be on the safe side - you'll notice if no flights are spawned)

Last edited by theOden; 04/24/18 06:38 PM. Reason: Release 7
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Cool stuff theOden

I noticed my cliffs had updated and has gone back to stock so will have to update. Don't worry theOden I still have my maddox file(it's actually no longer necessary). WOOT!


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I've updated and successfully installed your DynMis theOden

Will give it a go after thanksgiving weekend which is this weekend in Canada, eh?

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Sexy Beast
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Just tried this mission but I dont think it worked.
I chose the 54Sqn mission. The mission started we took off @ 6PM. All good so far, the Second flight joined us, great.
We them patroled around providing cover for a small convoy, OK, so far so good. We continued to patrol for over an hour doing nothing even after the convoy had sailed far off out of sight.
OK no problem I'll just wait fot our flight leader to tell us to RTB, but in the meantime I will just enjoy the stunning sunset and the fantastic Lighting that CLOD gives us. so I wait and wait and wait some more. Nada nothing. It is now over 2 hrs since take-off and it is pitch dark. I tried to land but can you guess what happened smile

I really enjoyed the stuff going on around me. but landing in the dark is a bit hard.

Any chance you could take a look at it?


From the hills rebounding
Let this war cry sounding
Summon all at Cambria's call
The mighty force surrounding

Men of Harlech onto glory
This shall ever be your story
Keep these fighting words before ye
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Sadly, the mission seems to be a hit or miss for each local install.
If it doesn't work just throw it away.

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Heads Up for this "Dynamic Miss" - so far the best SP experience in CloD.

Initially I have the same problems of TheSoupdragon (in 2016) smile but after some attempts understand better how this work and through the (CloD) Log.txt see that script was incurring in errors.

Perhaps because I am using in CloD Blitz, but using Notepad++ change:

- The path for CloD Documents\1C ... removing the "- MOD" (no longer used in BLITZ).

- Change Sounthend name for Southend (fixed in BLITZ)

- Change in .mis file "HMS.Fowers.Corvette" for "Flower.Class.Corvette" (BLITZ change).

Remove that "SCRAMBLE..." HUD message because sometimes you spawn in the air and the message don't fit well, besides stay too long over the screen. smile

A thing that I want change is Hour of day for missions - because missions at 6:00 AM is not practical in CloD - is too dark, but don't find this part in the script.

I don't like too that after some days (15 hours played) the map change for Autumn season, better if stay on Summer all time.

TIP - If when start this 'campaign" your Leader Flight (Red Section) stay patrolling over a convoy near Southend, the script goes kaput, to confirm right click in the screen and look at Airplane list if are only a Anson and 4 Spit there, if yes check the installation and/or CloD log.txt for errors.

When all are OK, after the leader flight (Red Section) reach the first waypoint a new waypoint - tasked HUNTING was created, and if Right click on screen and look Airplanes list will see several RAF and Lw flights.

The "Fighter Commander" control continuous report incoming enemy flights, their altitude, and the HDG you need follow for meet then.

Or you can ask for "Fighter Commander" the nearest enemy flight using Tab-4-4 at any moment. Set the "Info Window" for messages with 5 lines at least because heading is show in vertical.

[Linked Image]

Leave this "Info Window" width using at least half of screen, this will avoid broken lines in messages.

If you don't fly following "GPS" is important set your Directional Gyro with Compass magnetic heading constantly, or will not find anything and perhaps end with a Bf 109/110 in your six. smile

After finish your "daily job" don't need return to Rochford, can choose a new base to landing, example one more near the "Hellfire Corner", using Mission meu Tab-4.

Don't forget to fool your wingmans about your intention to landing there or they will try follow you and crash (CloD "peculiarities") - put then in Line Astern and when close to land order "spread formation (Tab-6-2-4).

TheOden, if you are around:

- How change in the script the first possible hour for mission from 6 to 7:00AM?

- BLITZ create a problem for SP - to fill MP requirements gunners default skill was changed in game code for "ACE" , previous was the dumb ROOKIE, and now a Bf 110 gunner are able to dispatch your Spitfire at 500 meters. blush

For SP missions, campaign missions is possible adjust gunner skill per plane and per gunner, you know if this script follow game code default skill?

If yes, Germans will start Sea Lion invasion soon. smile

BTW - I don't test this in 4.312, but in BLITZ the mission is very heavy for computer, is the same in 4.312?

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In BLITZ you will find the default number of aircraft to be very demanding. Settings can be changed in the DynMis40c.cs file to make it more performance friendly.

int missionCommitTime = 2; //Can abandon mission before 5 minutes and no updates are made
int percScrambleMissions = 50; //50% of missions will be scramble missions Enemy spawned over frontline
bool BomberPriorty = true; //only Bomber groups will be reported
int percAirstartMissions = 10; //50% missions start in the air
int maxBPlanesperSqn = 6; //number of BOmber planes per sqn (Limited by Game Engine)
int maxFplanesperSqn = 4;
int maxSqnsperRaid = 2; //number of sqns per raid

These settings work well for me, still plenty of diverse raids coming across but not so heavy on aircraft. (I also turned down airstarts because I hate airstarts)

Great mission by the way, this is probably the best SP experience I've had in Cliffs.

Last edited by Ace_Pilto; 01/03/18 04:12 AM.

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Still here Sokol smile
Time of day is randomized when updating mis-file after each mission, look for:
case "TIME"
and below that you have:
newStr = " TIME " + rnd.Next(7, 19).ToString() + "." +rnd.Next(0,99).ToString();
(or similar, not sure if my current dev copy is same as you guys fly)
so the copy I have sets daytime to between 7:00 and 19:59.

Blitz gunner issue can be adjusted for inside "CreateBMBMission()" function.
Look for:
AddToFile(f, sqn, "Skill"
edit 4th block to 0.1 (as my dev copy already have):
AddToFile(f, sqn, "Skill", "1.0 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7");

Season switching can be sound searching for:
newStr = " MAP Land$English_Channel_1940_Autumn";
Just comment out both Autumn and Winter lines (or alter them to Land$English_Channel_1940).

If time permits and I can find the effort I will make a general Blitz-update of this pack once I am done with the MP version I am currently building.
(my current dev build of this SP mission is a pre-test of Tobruk set on winter map in Le Havre region with only Italians and RAF Egypt, need to clean that up first)

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Hmm, mine has:

AddToFile(f, sqn, "Skill", skillMod);

V7, has been edited by MigMan I think. Gunners seem to be reasonably well behaved.

Last edited by Ace_Pilto; 01/03/18 09:47 AM.

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The "skillMod" variable is apparently calculated using "morale" as a parameter. Regardless of which version, this is a really great mission...I've tried to add the Beaufighter and have had partial success. I've spawned in a Beaufighter but no other missions seems to be spawned, so I have missed something.

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Hi Guys,

As a newcomer to CLOD only looking for SP this sounds pretty brilliant. But obviously I'm totally unlearned when it comes to mission editing and coding.

Would someone have a Blitz-adapted version of this for me to try without too much braincrashing, maybe with a Hurricane of No.151 Squadron out of Manston?

Thanks TheOden, been a while since I enjoyed your ARMA dynamic missions and nice to see you keep providing the good stuff biggrin

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Yes Ace_Pilto, those are from MigMan edits, not part of my set.
I'd guess MigMan can be your best chance of getting a good Blitz-version running more soon than I will get to this.
Maybe, just maybe, he can arrange for a Beaufighter version too for you bb5000.

RSCol, you're welcome smile
You might like the MP version I'm building now since it is made with CTI/warfare in mind (just using the code from this SP mission) where you can lauch strike on selectable targets or add AAA to a nearby airbase.
Earn back those credits used by destroying other aircrafts or having your strike reaching target.
Red/Blue side will earn 1 score each 1000lb bombs delivered on target and reaching 100 will win you the battle.

Like ArmA CTI there is an AI commander keeping the air war going (and will balance up to 5 players unbalanced sides) sending out bomber formations and CAP/Sweep flights. Should work well for small COOP teams as long as host has a pretty decent machine.

Not sure where performance will end but runs pretty smooth on my machine (i7 and 1080 card, can stand alot of punishment from my beta testing so far).

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Hey, that sounds pretty cool and should provide a good SP experience too. Suppose same as in Arma to host it for myself ought to be possible...

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Correct, the SP approach will be to host a server with an insane password one hardly can remember one self and just fly and respawn.
Good thing is, you can switch squadron/staffel as you go to focus on airdefence in a fighter or bomb some juice target as a bomber as you please during the adventure.
That is not doable in SP but the SP can run more historically as date is moved forward and squadrons are withdrawn or moved to new locations.

So far the MP mission is completed in an hour or 3.
"Battle of France" despite it's shorter flights about the same as "Battle of Britain" (the one I am currently debugging) since bombs on target is uprated for long range flights (more score if/when target is hit, Wellingtons usually some x2 to x3 of the "standard" 4-grid range missions, and they come with a hefty loadout to begin with).
The last one "Rhubarb/Circus 1941" will be a copy of "Battle of Britain" but on winter map and 1941 settings to simulate British Rhubarb/Ramrod/Circus missions with way more Spit MkII and 109E-4 late along with Beaufighters (Spits in grey/green camo too).

Squadron placement in MP is more generic (spanning July-October) and not as correct as the current SP mission.
Two different experiences and the mood of the evening can make the choice smile

Only backside with this is the extensive scripting that seems to work and not work for every other user, and I can just assume everyone has set the "scriptAppDomain = 0" value in the config files (would be great if that could be default from TF 5.0)

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I actually had no idea that CloD would allow such extensive scripting at all. Surprised though that invididual boxes, with a standard install, would show different behaviour on the same code.

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Will the MP mission retain the Sealion script?

(That would be interesting)

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Sokol, would you share your latest edit of the Singleplayer mission? I'd really like to try this out biggrin

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Originally Posted by RSColonel_131st
Sokol, would you share your latest edit of the Singleplayer mission? I'd really like to try this out biggrin

I am not much sure about my "edits", but here mission start OK in CloD BLITZ. * smile

* I guess that hour of day for mission start - a random value, may cause script error if have minutes, this generate a big decimal number, e.g. 16.24395848494... - in the "How install and set.txt" I explain how to try avoid this - BTW I don't touch in any TIME adjusts of script.

Mission start in Manston with Hurricanes of No.151 Squadron (DX code). I limit player group to 2 planes, CloD wingman's more hinder than help.

Download link (valid for 6 days):

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You're my Hero biggrin

Many, many thanks!

Also good call on keeping the player section small.

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theOden Offline OP
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Updated for Blitz/TF4.5 and RAF 219 Sqn flying Beaufighters from Eastchurch added.

Release 5:
Download DynMis Release 5

Same as before, configs need scriptAppDomain = 0

If it works, fly and have fun, if it doesn't, delete the mission or burn it with fire.

Last edited by theOden; 01/06/18 08:45 AM. Reason: 2am style Link
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