Hi Guys,

Here are some guides to the most common issues, however for the latest information you should read through the index on the FAQ to find the location of sections relating to your issue, also read the troubleshooting sections there sections 6 and 15 for example and others.

(WOFF UE FAQ for much more detailed information for older WOFF UE or WOFF PE).

THE FAQ HAS THE LATEST INFORMATION, please see the initial sections on installing and configuring. Installation sections 1 through 4, including the important DirectX 9 install requirement on Windows 7,8 or 10. If you have any issues some useful sections are in the FAQ (too many to list, but a few examples sections 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 35, 40, 44, 47, 56, 58 and many others and the end "Laptop Users Notes" for gaming laptop users, and many others.

PCs are funny beasts - always have been for decades and still are. Just because another dozen programs work fine doesn't mean there is no issue on your PC that could stop WOFF or another program from working - so please have patience.
Read the FAQ carefully for your issue. If you have carefully tried all in the FAQ only then contact support please. We are a small team so help us to help you so if you do need to contact us, please see the last 2 pages of the FAQ and follow the instructions please.


OBD Software, developers of epic, immersive, unique flight sims;
Wings Over Flanders Fields & Wings Over The Reich