So, now that DFM is out, I'm trying to get a working, worthwhile profile going for my TM Cougar. ATM, mouse has a huge advantage with gimbal'd weaponry.
Now, I'm a complete noob to programming these things, so, how would one
1. Set buttons up to emulate the KB buttons?
2. Set the microstick up to emulate mouse for gimbal aiming?
As much as I would love to dig into the many manuals out there and learn everything there is to know, I'm going through RL AF pilot training, and simply dont have time lol
Is there a pretty simple, straight forward way to do those two things? I figure if I can get those set up, I can worry about axis perfection at a later time (unless it must be done simultaneously).
Running CCP 3.01 and Foxy 4.2 beta
EDIT: I actually just ran through the wizards... that made it pretty dang easy. Now all I have to do is test it
Last edited by Redvan; 06/05/14 02:54 AM.