Frankly, I'd be happy just to get Squadron 42.
Yes, me too!
Actually I have some mixed feeling regarding the main subject in this thread:
- I do understand that those who bought ships that were supposed to be "limited editions" are "pissed" because after some time those same ships where available for everyone else and without being limited. This is a matter of NOT being faithful to what was "promised". Afterall there were people that actually bought those ships because they were "limited" or else some of these same people wouldn't never bought those same ships (would probably buy others or even none).
- But I also understand the need for the devs to make everything possible to gather funds in order to be completely and totally independent or any publisher, retailer, or any other "third party" investor. This made me respect these guys very much - making a AAA game (which currently the gaming market is almost only composed by CoD, Battlefield and GTA series) without the need of a publisher and any other major investor which in the end will always dictate how or in what terms the game should be released is an "almost impossible" task!
Fortunally for me, I basically only care about "Squadron 42" and don't care that much about the "Star Citizen" part. I may or could end up playing "Star Citizen" but if and when I do it, I'll probably play it only in a private dedicated server with my friends - I doubt that I'll play (at least seriously) in the "official" Star Citizen" server. Regarding the "official" Star Citizen" server, I'll probably end up try it a bit for an hour or two tops but I likely won't return.
I also only "invested" $50 in this game (which is the "normal price" for a game), so the situation that "triggered" this thread and doesn't affect me at all!
It's perplexing the degree of faith people have put into the vision of one man. Really, when was the last time that Chris Roberts put out a space sim? 12 years ago, right?
Don't get me wrong, but the "faith people have put into the vision of one man" in this case Chris Roberts is very well-founded because if there's someone (and probably the only one) who's capable to putting up and successfully completing a project of this scope, that person is certainly Chris Roberts!
I don't know when did you start playing video/computer games, but in my case I started in a ZX Spectrum in the mid 80's and then I moved to a 386 PC and one thing I can tell you regarding video/computer games:
- There's a before Wing Commander (by Chris Roberts) and there's an after Wing Commander! Wing Commander definitely revolutionized how games looked and played, for example before Wing Commander, 3D objects (if and when existed) weren't textured (they were simply colored polygons). With this I remember that for example before Wing Commander, ALL games fitted inside a low density floppy disk and you could even have several games inside a single floppy disk (even more if it was an high density one) but with Wing Commander you needed 4 high density floppy disks!
That was extremely remarkable at that time!
Also an another important mark in the gaming industry (and also by Chris Roberts) was Strike Commander, this sim/game implemented a 3D cockpit, textured terrain which are features that all of we flight simmers can't live without and which again it was "pioneered" by Chris Roberts and most of the things we currently have in terms of PC sim technology are the same as in Strike Commander but of course more evolved (such as more texture and screen resolutions for example)!
So yes, people (like me) have more than enough reasons to put a
LOT of faith in Chris Roberts. I doubt that currently there is someone else in the gamming industry that could do what he's doing with Start Citizen.