It's actually hard to REALLY tell how many.
For sure there's going to be:
- a First Person exploration mode (both own ships -as in exploration, damage control, secondary stations/turrets and also space stations markets/bar/and so on, other ships -as in boarding actions! and it seems big game hunting...)
- Planetary landing, no cutscenes, no gates- a seamless integration of planets atmosphere and surface WITH different -of course- types of planets (gas giants, rocky, tropical, and on and on...)...
- Extra ships produced in time (apparently to simulate progress in manifacturing and such)
- ??? Single-ish player campaign for Military ??? a wild guess but a possible one...
Unknown the price and the release dates, of course.
But I pledged for that 80GBP Digital Download pack.
Been into Elite since I was... uhh... 12 I guess.
This is THE GAME I was waiting for.
SC to me is fine, but... there's something... that's giving me a bad vibe.
All in all it looks like SC is (pardon the term ) wh*ring out.
Everything- EVERYTHING- is shown naked and bluntly as E: D is taking it's time but giving me an oveall different impression.
It shown very little, but when it does (to me) is of a cataclysmic effect.
SC Shown too much too soon and keep on doing that, its design is too *apparently* flat.
I don't- CAN'T- understand how Elite is less of a sand box... it has literally BILLIONS of systems and while Procedurally generated that doesn't mean just "random". The engine is being given a very precise set of rules (it's all in the open forums for those who want to read further on) with little (except for details) left to chance.
There's the WHOLE damn Galaxy, with the possibility of playing all alone offline, online but with selected people, online with EVERYONE, and even an Ironman Mode.
SC has handcrafted planets but appallingly less that E: D.
It's not just the numbers, it's the galaxy simulation that it's impressive.
All the space bodies moves around their correct (or as correctly as known to man) orbit. There's an underlying simulation that handles population, economy, politics and such.
Just my point of view.
I guess it all boils down to "Did you like more Wing Commander/Privateer or Elite/ Elite 2".
I'm happy anyway it goes. It's going to be great for all the players, whatever choices they do.