Awesome, can't wait for 2020 when this thing finally comes out. LOL
Me too!
During the original website and kickstarter campaign i pledged for the Freelancer only, it was quite a "sacrifice" for me but accepted it because it was the game i was waiting for so many years. On march i bought the 300i, so i could have a dogfighter for flying solo, and the Frelancer for exploring and trading. With both ships, i have enough to play what i want, explorer and/or trading, and do some "solo" flying for bounty hunting or something else.
Never been so excited about a game since Falcon4......hope they dont have as many delays as happened with F4, and not so many bugs with the final version
For those that have doubts, quite logical by the way, this is the first time i see such a good amount of work, communication and info released from the developers to the comunity. So even if its true it´s a hassle, each day i see it becoming more and more a sure thing.
My only problem now is that i don´t have any budget to upgrade my old pc......arrrggghhhh!!!