For everyone who use joystick with ForceFeedback support (not vibration). This EXE just for testing new features, not for usual playing. Place COHOKUM_FF_0.6.EXE and FORCEFEEDBACK folder into [game_folder]/COHOKUM/. Before start it, please make copy of your "eech.ini". Now launch EXE. New strings in eech.ini will appear in section [Joysticks and TrackIR]. You can leave the game and set "forcefeedback_effects" to "1" or leave it "0.5" - it's half of max force.What have I done:
1. [0.1] Constant force associated with helicopter pitch and roll velocity. It works in maneuvers and overloads - like hard landing or falling.
2. [0.2] Hokum an Comanche weapon effects. Cannon rate of fire loads from GWUT file so it's synchronized with current weapon.
3. [0.2] Landing gears raising / lowering vibration effect.
4. [0.2] Trim support. When you press T key joystick will stay in this position. Shift + T will reset trim. Fine trim doesn't work, will do it last.
5. [0.3] Sideway and wheel brake resistance. Depends on current speed and effectiveness of brakes.
6. [0.3] Water resistance. If you touch water surface be ready to dive. Depends on current speed.
7. [0.3] Rotor / blade damage. Shake frequency depends on rotor rpm.
8. [0.4] Shake while taxiing. Depends on current speed and surface type (grass, sand, snow etc.). Unfortunately only landscape is considering, landing pads or runways does not recognizing like Asphalt.
9. [0.5] Cannon fire effects for all helis. Depends on rate of fire and caliber/quantity. Hind's UPK-23 wins.
10. [0.5] Trim respects non-linear control for cyclics. Fine trim buttons works. While hovering trim is disabled.
11. [0.5] All dynamic forces affects force feedback. [0.5.2] Forces increased twice.
12. [0.6] External FFE files support for weapons and some dynamic forces. In "forcefeedback" folder you will find some samples, utility for editing effects and list of possible filenames.
13. [0.6] Fixed game crash when disconnecting joystick while force feedback is active. But, were is still possibility of BSOD (telling for Saitek Cyborg Evo Force) due to poor USB device support by directinput7 OR bug in Saitek drivers. I tried to prevent critical error, but it works not always. After disconnecting you will lose FFB so you need to restart game.
FFE file is pack of standard effects with different timing ang configuration. You can use any effects but were is some rules:
1. Every effect is starting and playing until it ends. So do not make too long effects - when you will try to activate some effect that is already playing, nothing will happens.
2. After enumeration all effects are separated so you need to make them end all in same time, otherwise will be unsynchronization - shorter effects will go forward. But you still can use start delay.
3. Force feedback gain doesn't affect effects from file.