I'm impressed with the screenies and the video of the range...and am a future customer in waiting...but I'm in the dark about what is planned for this sim product for it's release: is there an overview? A project web page? a FAQ ?
All I know so far is three flyables being a Chinook, Apache and some undetermined light helo like the Kiowa possibly...that the nightvision for the apache looks very impressive as does the GE/DillonPrecision Minigun, and that there seems to be an "Afghanistan" style terrain, and some sort of forrest terrain for the range.
Beyond that I'm in the dark...I don't even know if this is payware/freeware/opensource or what, other than to assume for all this work is likely payware. I don't know what terrains, wars/campaigns or even timeline (1980's? 2011??). Scripted campaign, dynamic campaign? Multiplayer? Multiplayer campaign? Mission editor? Will individual ground troops be modeled, like in Hind or Vietnam Medevac, getting in or out of the helo?
If this is already written (i'm sure it is) a link would be nice!