I have an extra older PC sitting around, maybe 6 year old or so home built, and I was thinking it should be powerful enough to run LB2 and Jane’s F-18 but my question is which OS should I use?
I have all of them back to Win 98 but I think the easiest to install would be XP if it will work well with the 2 Jane’s Sims, any thoughts?? Fyi, I have newer box for DCS A-10 and the newer crop of software.
Thanks, Doug
DFord8 aka SlapStik Intel i7 2600K SB, DDR3 1600 8 gb ram, Win7 64, EVGA GTX 570 1280gb, Intel 80gb SSD. TM Warthog #1547, MFD pack, CH PP & TIR4