2° Edition corrected thanks to contribution of ED_1, SHUMI of LP and THERON INTRODUCTION In the old days of Falcon 4 there was a file named "FALCON.CFG" where the pilot could set/change some options/variables. Not only were they available, but the SP, BMS series and following versions ( as f.i. OpenFalcon in which the file is named FALCONBMS.CFG) came with a nice little program called SP Config Editor to make configuring these options user friendly. Most (if not all) of these were options added after 1.08 (we're speacking of old Falcon4) and available to select via F4Patch. One of the goals of the SP series was to export as many values into config variables and data files to allow a greater degree of flexibility in modding the sim. The vast majority of those options were added to improve realism and playability, and, sadly to say, cheating. Some were merely debug options of no use to anyone but the coders. In the previous versions of F4, a certain number of these options were a cause of some MP stability problems, when people had them set differently (infamous was the the option that showed/not showed trees ). Veteran Falconeers cannot count the number of hours spent getting everyone in synch on these settings before each MP game. In Allied Force most of the changeble options have been removed in the name of multiplayer stability,while some have beeen included and secured by default in the code. But, oddly enough, LP, while officially forbids any modding to AF, as a matter of fact allows that some settings on AF can be still tweaked. When u launch AF, the program goes seraching for a file named BFops.cfg, reads and processes its content and applies the tweaks found in the sim. When AF finds this file, it also creates a file called bfopslog.txt where is a summary of the options found and changed . Note: not all tweaks inserted in BFops.cfg are reported in bfopslog.txt. Those ones already comprised in the default AF program and those ones not working in AF are not mentioned. In some Forums we saw even LP devs suggesting which variables to write in BFops.cfg to get some special results, even if they pinpointed that that was a personal help, not a LP's stance. No doubt there is a contradiction in LP behaviour. However the actual situation is that u can change in Allied Force, even if not all, some old parameters.
DIGGING THE SECRETS In conclusion, if u want these new options in AF, you simply have to create with NOTEPAD a file, naming it BFops.cfg placing it in the main folder where the exe resides, and putting in each line of this file a text that modifyes the sim. If u do'nt like some of the tweacks created, u simply cancel its line. The form of each text line that changes parameters is similar to the following: set g_nPadlockBoxSize # where # is a number, in some cases 0 or 1 (boolean), in other incremental numbers, integer or decimals. F.i. the line above changes the dimensions of the padlock box with the increment of #. If u set it as follows: set g_nPadlockBoxSize 0 that 0 means turn completely off the padlock box. With a higher # ( try 5 for example) u make it bigger.
GROUP A Possible parameters to put into the BFops.cfg file that surely work in AF and do not harm MP flights are:
set g_nPadlockBoxSize # Explained above
set g_bNoRPMOnHud # Possible values 0/1 With 1 no RPM on HUD, with 0 u can see RPM on HUD.
set g_nShowAVTRStatus # Possible values 0/1/2 It changes the AVTR "RECORDING" message on screen (0 = No message on screen, 1 = Yes, 2 = Blink start/stop) For example: set g_nShowAVTRStatus 0 turns it off. If u like it blinking, write set g_nShowAVTRStatus 2 This might remind u not to do somthing dumb while tape is rolling-LOL
set g_bUse3dSound 1 Possible values 0/1 1 enables 3D Sound : recommended If u have a decent sound card, test it to experience improved stereo sound . An other advantage is for Vocal Commands programs users: I tested VAC with this option on,and got vocal recognition much improved
set g_bOldSoundAlg 0 It reverts to older sound system (polled interface) in case of problems. To be used for safety together with use3Dsound.
set g_bMFDHighContrast # Possible values 0/1 Default is 0 1 recommended for better screens reading. Use different colours on colour MFD (helps colour blindness distinction), it changes the color scheme of some MFD's symbols and lines.
set g_fCursorSpeed # Default is 1.0 2.0 or 3.0 recommended for having radar cursor working smoothly .
set g_fRadarScale # Possible values 0.1 with increasing decimals 1.0 (100%) is the default. Changes Radar Blips size. Not recommended to go less than 0.5 because the blip size becomes little as a pixel and difficult to bug/lock. 0,8 recommended: blips are smaller than the default size preventing overlapping, but still comfortable to bug/lock
set g_bEPAFRadarCues # Possible values 0/1 0 is the default, bugged/locked radar targets are drawn as triangles, how we are used to see in standard version . With 1, bugged/locked radar targets are drawn as square boxes with an arrow vector for speed and heading, rather than triangles. This is the default for EPAF countries F-16 models.
set g_fPOVSpeed # Possible values 1 increasing incremental Default is 1.5 With 5, the POV speed is very sudden and uncomfortable. Not recommended to go more than 2.5 or 3
set g_bUseMouse3forSOI # Possible values 0/1 With 0 (default) u use arrows keyboard keys for moving radar cursors, as we're used to. With 1 (recommended, more handy) u can use also the MIDDLE MOUSE Button for moving radar cursors: u press it and while pressing now u can move the radar (or HARM, MAV or LGB) cursors with mouse.
set g_fMfdTransparency # Possible values 0 to 100(%) Default is 50 This adjusts transparency MFD in HUD Only view. 0 is full transparent, 100 is not transparent at all.
set g_bCATIIIDefault # Possible values 0/1 Default is 0 1 sets the aircraft configuration to CATIII upon entering the cockpit, regardless of your loadout.
set g_fPadlockBreakDistance # Default is 8 Possible values 1, increasing incremental. It changes the padlock break distance: if u set it 60, u'll be able to padlock till this distance.
set g_bAllowOverload # Possible values 0/1 Default is 0 0 does'nt cause damages to airframe on high G manouvres. 1 causes damages.
set g_b3dDynamicPilotHead 1 Possible values 0/1 Default is 0 With 1 your pilot's head will move around in response to g's and roll input in the 3d virtual cockpit, but also all instruments move around on the screen messing up vision. Not recommended
To give an idea, what follows is an example of possible content of GROUP A for the bfops.cfg :
set g_bUseMouse3forSOI 1 set g_fPOVSpeed 2 set g_fRadarScale 0.8 set g_bUse3dSound 1 set g_bMFDHighContrast 1 set g_fCursorSpeed 2.5 set g_bEPAFRadarCues 1 set g_bNoRPMOnHud 0 set g_fMfdTransparency 35
GROUP B Possible parameters to put into the BFops.cfg file that surely work in AF, BUT are suspected to harm MP stability in TE or Campaign, thereby recommended only for solo flight . Suggestion: it might be possible to have 2 files , one named BFOPS.SOLO that contain all of the variables (A and B groups) mentioned here and the second BFOPS.MP with different variables set (only A group). When flying MP , the BFOPS.MP file should be renamed BFops.cfg before launcing Falcon. When flying Solo flights , then the BFOPS.SOLO file should be renamed BFops.cfg. An other way might be that all human pilots have the same A and B groups settings in BFops.cfg.
set g_nMaxSimTimeAcceleration 16 limits the simulation to 16x time acceleration: recommended . If u choose 32x or 64x, time acceleration reverts to 16x. It's common knowledge that accelerating more than 16x can cause nasty consequences to Campaign or also TE, expecially on MP.
set g_nNoPlayerPlay # Possible values 1, increasing incremental Default is 2 # sets the hours to run a campaign without suffering player not flying, where # is the number of hours of no player flights. F.i. if u set 720, these are the hours that the campaign will run without being degraded even if player does'nt fly.
set g_bEnableWindsAloft # Possible values 0/1 With 1 winds will change direction and strength with altitude. This makes dumb bombs very innacurate from high level, but LGBs are unaffected. U can check the presence of winds aloft by pressing SEQ on 4 positions rotary switch on ICP: on the DED the wind direction and its strenght will now be shown. If u also switch down the DRIFT C/O then u'll have on HUD a dramatic vision of the wind's effect.
set g_bAWACSRequired # Possible values 0/1 If 1, AWACS does'nt reply unless there is an assigned flying AWACS If 0, AWACS always replies
set g_npercentage_available_aircraft # Possible values 0 to 100(%) Default 75% The 'percentage available aircraft' determines what proportion of your squadron's roster will be available to undertake missions in a given tasking cycle. You can adjust this between 0% and 100%. However, beware; if your setting makes the number of available aircraft less than 4, you won't get any four-plane missions scheduled. Similarly, if your setting makes the number of available aircraft less than 2, you won't get any missions at all! Also note that as you squadron loses planes through attrition, your percentage will represent gradually fewer and fewer planes.
set g_nminimum_available_aircraft # Possible values 1 increasing incremental. The 'minimum available aircraft' setting allows you to limit the effect of a low 'percentage' setting. This setting applies a lower-limit to the number of available aircraft calculated from your 'percentage'. You can set the 'percentage' to 0%, but if you also set your 'minimum' to 2, you will get two aircraft available per planning phase - at least, until the point you only have one aircraft left in the squadron.
Finally it's worthy to recall the old options that do'nt seem to work in AF. Probably they have been inserted and made fixed default in AF and cannot be tweacked, or they have only changed name, who knows? LP never replied questions to this subject. Because it's a matter of intensive testing to discover the hidden secrets, more testing by curious pilots might bring some surprise.
// Disable Court Martials from Crashes and Ejections. set g_bDisableCrashEjectCourtMartials 1
//Allow bullseyes to be automatically selected set g_bFloatingBullseye 1
// Enable the Combat Autopilot to shoot AA missiles set g_bSmartCombatAP 1
// MFD's in HUD only view can be turned off set g_bNoMFDsIn1View 0
// INS set g_bINS 1
// Full Screen NVG set g_bFullScreenNVG 1
// Resupply squadron stores of aborted flights set g_bLoadoutSquadStoreResupply 1
// Drive lights of KC-135 (requires new model set g_bLightsKC135 1
// Relocate helicopter squads faster set g_bHelosReloc 1
// In Formation burner allowance distance set g_fFormationBurnerDistance 10.0
// Change AI A/G attack altitudes // for instance: set g_fA2GHarmAlt 20000.0 set g_fA2GAGMAlt 7000.0 set g_fA2GGBUAlt 15000.0 set g_fA2GDumbHDAlt 1500.0 set g_fA2GClusterAlt 5000.0 set g_fA2GDumbLDAlt 20000.0 set g_fA2GGunRocketAlt 3500.0 set g_fA2GCameraAlt 12000.0
Note: in AF AI wingmen seem to use different fixed Altitudes for different bombs types, despite the
variables settings. F. i. for Low Drag Dumb Bombs, they descend/climb always to an altitude of 15K feets, no matter what set in waypoint alt and which is the actual alt when ATTACK TARGETS or WEAPONS FREE commands are issued. If for any reason they cannot reach the default altitude, they simply do'nt drop. This explains the mistery of AI wingmen sometimes not dropping. See also my post "AI Alt to drop AG weapons" on the subject.
// AI formation burner allowance distance set g_fFormationBurnerDistance 10.0
// These variables control the amount of zoom of the EXP and FOV modes on the Maverick set g_fMavFOVLevel 4 set g_fMavEXPLevel 2.0 Ed_1 of LP noted on this: " The mav zoom being set globally is step backwards , in AF each weapon has its own setting so a AGM65b with visual sensor has far less range showing on MAV display then a AGM65D ".
// enables the new runway lineup code set g_nEnableNewLineup 1
// AB A/C spawn-> delay before taxiing (min.) set g_nReagTimer 2
// AB A/C despawn-> delay before disappearing (min.) set g_nDeagTimer 2
// Enable the AWACS extensions on the planning screens. set g_bAWACSSupport 1
// Enables turbulence effect (recommend 0 for multiplayer) set g_bTurb 0
// Allows you to assign any task to any waypoint. This one might need some testing with AI *shrug* set g_bAnyWaypointTask 1
// Roll inertia will now increase when you add stores to your aircraft. It is dynamic in that will account for fuel weight in wing tanks and when you drop weapons. set g_bRollInertia 0
// Choose your green level intensity for the MFD in HUD only set g_fMfdGreen 50
// Use Chevrons on the MFD to indicate jamming activity, rather than the large X. set g_bRadarJamChevrons 1
// This option switches the UI background map to an AWACS version set g_bAWACSBackground 0
// Set the minimum height clouds will appear. (default -1.0) set g_fCloudMinHeight -1.0
// Power statations affect fuel/supply generation. set g_bPowerGrid 1
// MFD's in HUD only view can be turned off set g_bNoMFDsIn1View 0
// Resupply squadron stores of aborted flights set g_bLoadoutSquadStoreResupply 1
// Drive lights of KC-135 (requires new model set g_bLightsKC135 1
// Relocate helicopter squads faster set g_bHelosReloc 1
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gipodiablo, I believe a number of the items listed are selections from the old F4 patch exe we all loved and adored so greatly :-). It's still present in Red Viper as the Red Viper Config Editor.
Be aware that for online flying in the Falcon 4.0 world, varying some of the options in F4 patch could render MP unstable or introduce anomalies for pilots. Might cause similar issues in AF.
Eugene i9-9600K GeForce 2080ti Creative Z Win10 32 gig RAM Cougar
gipodiablo, I believe a number of the items listed are selections from the old F4 patch exe we all loved and adored so greatly :-). It's still present in Red Viper as the Red Viper Config Editor.
Be aware that for online flying in the Falcon 4.0 world, varying some of the options in F4 patch could render MP unstable or introduce anomalies for pilots. Might cause similar issues in AF.
Agree 100% In my post are indicated options suspected to harm MP stability and those ones that do'nt harm (see groups A and B)
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What WW2 Fighter pilots say about Angels and Airspeed:
"Nice job of getting down to the basics - love your choice of a cover!" Col. Clarence 'Bud' Anderson
"I have enjoyed reading angels and airspeed, it should prove good reading for all interested in combat tactics and their application related to the fluid air environment and state of technology in WWII years. All the best as you make it available." - Col. Charles McGee - Tuskegee Airman
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this is direct from exe file, even sorted, not just lam3 copy from frugals or wherever do what you like with it, best is delete all "if you find hard to beat the game then you just have to set the rules" or not ?
3dCockpit 3dDynamicPilotHead 3dMFDLeft 3dMFDRight ACMIOptionsPopupHiResX ACMIOptionsPopupHiResY ACMIOptionsPopupLowResX ACMIOptionsPopupLowResY ACPlayerCTDFix ActivateDebugStuff AddACSizeVisual AddDOR AddIngressWP AddMARSpiked AdvancedGroundChooseWeapon AFAileronLeft AFAileronRight AFElevatorDown AFElevatorUp AFRudderLeft AFRudderRight AFThrottleDown AFThrottleUp AGNoBVRWVR AGRadarFixes AGTargetWPFix AIDropStoreLauncherRange AIGloc AILeadMovingTarget AirbaseCheck AirbaseReloc AIRefuelInComplexAF AIRefuelRange AIRefuelSpeed AirTaskFix AIVisualRetentionSkill AIVisualRetentionTime AlertFligthVisible AllowAllMissions AllowOverload AlphaBatching AlwaysAnisotropic AlwaysLoadCockpitDefaults AppendToBriefingFile ATC_tfast_lfast ATC_tfast_lslow ATC_tslow_lfast ATC_tslow_lslow ATCGroundSpacing ATCrwPtScalingFactor ATCTakeoffSpacing ATCTaxiOrderFix AutoDebugSaveInterval AutoFlyBy AutoSIM AutoSIMCamp AutoSIMDelay AwackWarningInterval AWACSFuel AWACSRequired AWAKEN_RATE BackgroundProcessing BiasFactorForFlaks BLACKOUT_ONSET BLACKOUT_RATE BombMissileAltitude BombNumLoopOnly BombTimeStep BWCheckDeltaTime BWMaxDeltaTime CalibrateTFR_PitchCtrl CampaignThreadFix CampFixes2 CampSavedMenuHack CarrierStartTolerance CATIIIDefault CheckBltStatusBeforeFlip CheckForMode ChooseBullseyeFix ClimbRatio CloudMinHeight CloudThicknessFactor CockpitDebug CursorSpeed DarkHudFix Day DBS1factor DBS2factor DeadZoneJoyRX DeadZoneJoyRY DeadZoneJoyRZ DeadZoneJoyThrottle DeadZoneJoyX DeadZoneJoyY DeadZoneJoyZ DeagTimer DebugTracers DEDFuelPrecision DeleteAsRTB DFRegenerateFix DirtyDataReliable DisableCockpitEject DisableCrashEjectCourtMartials DisableFunkyChicken DispersionDivisor DisplayDebugData DisplayTimingData DownloadRate DragAbTimer DragDilutionFactor dwPortclient dwPorthost EmergencyJettisonFix EmptyFilenameFix EnableABRelocation EnableColorMfd EnableMfdColors EnableMfdSize EnableNonPersistentTextures EnableStaticTerrainTextures EnableUplink EnableWeatherExtensions EnableWindsAloft EPAFRadarCues ePropFactor ExitCampSelectFix EXPfactor FalcEntCheckDeltaTime FalcEntMaxDeltaTime FallingHeadingTape FFEffectAutoCenter FixedProfile FixedTactic FixedWVRTactic FixHostLeavingCTD FixHostReaggregation FixProximityDamage FixTurratePanning FlakAvoidAltMaintain FlakAvoidAltReached FlakAvoidAltVariance FlakAvoidGainCtrl FlakSpeedScale FlightVisualBonus FloatingBullseye FogRenderState ForceCloudParent ForceDXMultiThreadedCoopLevel ForceSoftwareGUI FormationBurnerDistance FuelBaseProp FuelLimitBecauseVtDot FuelMultProp FuelTimeStep FuelUseVtDot FuelVtClip FuelVtDotMult FullScreenNVG G0Neg G0Plus GfxFix GH_AH1 GH_AH64 GH_AH64D GH_AH66 GH_CH46 GH_CH47 GH_CH53 GH_KA50 GH_MD500 GH_MI24 GH_MI26 GH_MI28 GH_MI8 GH_OH58D GH_OTHER GH_UH1N GH_UH60L GMTMaxSpeed GMTMinSpeed GREYOUT_ONSET GroundAttackTime GroundGunFireMsgRate GroundImpactMod GunFix HeadingStabilizeFactor HelosReloc HideEnemyOrders HideEnemyWP HighDragGravFactor HitProbsCorr HostAllObjectives HotNoseAngle IANoFuelBurn IdentFactor IFFRWR IFlyMirage InjectLandingSeparation INS IRSTMinGimbalRange JoySOISpeedX JoySOISpeedY KeyboardExclusive KeyboardFix KillStats LabelRadialFix LabelShadows LabelShowDistance LabelWrapWidth LandExit LandingModeDist LantDebug LastDitchTime LastTimePointedTowardUsSpeedThreshold LastTimePointedTowardUsTimeout LethalRadiusModifier LgbFixes LightsKC135 Limit2DRadarFight LimitViewCamera LoadoutSquadStoreResupply LoadoutTimeLimit LoadPreVCFixTE LoadTerrainFirst LODAltHack log LogEvents LogUiErrors lookAroundWaterTiles LookCloserFix LOSdzFactor LowBwVoice LowDetailFactor LowestSkillForGCI MadDogFix MakeMovie ManualATMMPFix ManualATOHack ManualOrderIcons MasterServerName MasterServerPort MavFix2 MavFixes MaxAltDiffForFlaks MaxConcernDist MaxHC MaxInterceptDistance MaxMARNoIdA MaxMARNoIdB MaxRangeDiffForFlaks MaxRangeToInjectLanding MaxSimTimeAcceleration MaxSmartScale MaxTimeDelta MaxUIRefresh MaxVertexSpace Mfd_p_Size MfdBlue MfdGreen MFDHighContrast MfdRed MfdTransparency MinCloudWeather MiniDumpType minimum_available_aircraft MinMARNoId18kA MinMARNoId18kB MinMARNoId28kA MinMARNoId28kB MinMARNoId5kA MinMARNoId5kB MinMARNoIdC MinWingAltitude MIP MipLodBias MipMapCount MipMapCountFarTex MipMapCountTerrain MipMapFarTex MissileFix MissileFMLogInterval MissionACIcons ModuleList Mouse2dPitSensitivity MouseExclusive MouseLook2DPitMove MouseLook2DPitRadial MouseLookKeyInversed MouseLookNoHeadTransition MouseLookReverseOutside MouseLookSensX MouseLookSensY MouseMoveView MouseOverColor MouseOverPercentage MouseSOIKeyInversed MouseSOISpeed MoverVrValue MPCameras MPExperimentalSlaveExec MPFix MPFix2 MPFix4 MPFix5 MPInComplianceColor MPNoComplianceColor MPResyncExperiment MPStartRestricted MPStartTime MPTimeCompressionStopPoint MunitionUIHPColor MunitionUITextOffset MunitionUIWeaponsOffset NearLabelLimit NeedSimThreadToRemoveObject NetGFX NewAcmiHud NewBlackoutEffect NewDamageEffects NewFm NewLODAdjust NewLOSCode NewMPChanges NewOCALogic NewPadlock NewPitchLadder NewRackData NewRefuelHelp NewSensorPrecision NewSmartScaling NextWingCheck NoAAAEventRecords NoDeagDataSaveMovers NoFudgeTimeForAirBaseSchedules NoGroundAATargeting NoIsBad NoMFDsIn1View NoPadlockBoxes NoPlayerImpactOnHitProbs NoPlayerPlay NoReservesInTactical NoRPMOnHUD NoWPRefuelNeeded NukeDamageMod NukeDamageRadius NukeStrengthFactor NumAGBullets NumBullets NumDefaultHatSwitches ObjectiveRepairMode OldSamActivity OldSoundAlg OldStackDump OptimizedLOS OtherGroundCheck OverrideVoodooCheck PadlockBoxSize PadlockBreakDistance PadlockMode PctStenghtRankThreshold percentage_available_aircraft PilotDebug PinceManeuverPoints1a PinceManeuverPoints1b PinceManeuverPoints2a PinceManeuverPoints2b PINKOUT_ONSET PitchGLimiterFix PitchLimiterForAI pitchStickOffset PlanOCARunwayIP POVSpeed PowerGrid PrintToFile PropMulti PullupTime PUMaxProcTime PutAIToBoom PUThrottle PUUpdateRate RadarJamChevrons RadarScale RAPDistance ReagTimer RealisticAttrition RebuildbobbleFix ReconCameraHalfFOV ReconCameraOffset RecoveryAOA REDOUT_ONSET REDOUT_RATE ReliablemsgwaitMAX RelocateDelay RelocationWait RemoveSimCursor RendererViewPointMinLODSize RequestHelp RestoreAGRadarDisplay resynctimeagresivness resynctimeSpeed RNESpeed RocketAllowedAimingError RocketMarker rollStickOffset RP5DataCompatiblity RQDFix RTG rudderOffset RWR SAM2D3DHandover SAMRadarModeFix SearchSimTargetFromRangeSqr SelectFlightWhenPicked SendPlayerTrackLockToTwsOrSamTargets ServerAdmin ServerAdminEmail ServerLocation ServerName SessionTimeout SessionUpdateRate SessionViewPointMinLODSize SessionViewPointSize SessionViewPointTimer SetRemoteLabel SetWaypointNumFix ShadowIntensity ShipHeight ShowAVTRStatus ShowDebugLabels ShowFlaps ShowLockLines ShowMipUsage ShowStatusLine SideClutterFactor SimpleFMUpdates SkipWaypointTime SlowButSafe SmartCombatAP SmartScaling SoundSwitchFix SSoffsetManeuverPoints1a SSoffsetManeuverPoints1b SSoffsetManeuverPoints2a SSoffsetManeuverPoints2b SunMoonSize SunPadlockTimeout TankerFMFix TankerHeadsupDistance TankerPStick TankerRStick TankerTrackFactor TankerWaypoints TargetDisappearedTimer TargetFAC TargetSpotTimeout TaskAnyWaypoint TerrainNightLighting TexturedStars TFRFixes TFRWhiteCloudFix TgtDZFactor ThrottleCampDirty ThrottleSimDirty TO_LDG_LightFix ToggleAAAGunFlag TracerAccuracyFactor TrackIR2DChangeTriggerDegrees TrackIR2DPitchTriggerPercent TrackIR2DYawTriggerPercent TrackIR6DOFMode TrackIRCommandRate TrackLaunchSendInterval TurnOnAssertsInAutoSim UIColor UIMunitionWeightOKColor UnAssignPilots UnidentifiedInUI UNREDDEN_RATE UploadRate Use32BitTexture Use3dSound UseAggresiveIncompleteA2G UseComplexBVRForPlayerAI UseDefinedGunDomain UseJoyRXRYforSOI UseMappedFiles UseMipMaps UseMouse2forLook UseMouse3forSOI UseNewCanEnage UseNewReturnStrengthCode UseSessionViewPoint UseSkillForFlaks UseTankerTrack UseWindowsMouseSpeed VCockFix VisualNormalizeFactor Voodoo12Compatible VUMaxDeltaTime WaypointBurnerDelta WeaponHitChanceMinRange WeaponsFailing WindowMoveFix WingWarnInc WingWarnMin Year ZBuffer ZBufferCheck ZBufferFarDistance ZBufferTerrainBias ZBufferTest
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Is there any way to force Track IR Off, reset Track IR recognition, or prevent it from recognizing a TrackIR.dll?
This is in my bfops log file, but I'm not using TIR any more:
2.859(3096) <general/anytime>:Detected Natural Point / TrackIR DLL version 4.9
Apparently Allied Force does not give you the ability to turn off TrackIR, like some of the other Falcon versions do. Thanks to rhamphor's suggestion, I tried checking the registry for instances of TrackIR or NaturalPoint. I deleted the one instance and things are fine now. Interestingly, the instance did not show TrackIR as having a value of being activated or not. No 0 or 1. The entries were blank in value, but Allied Force still allocated control in the 3D pit entirely to it. If you can turn TrackIR off externally, that's one thing. Mystery solved.
Last edited by Reticuli; 12/24/10 05:58 AM.