Pre-Introduction: This thread was started by me in early 2007 and updated by me until 2009. It is now summer of 2011 and quite honestly I haven't been following the changes within the IL-2 1946 community. Some of the information below may now out of date. If a link doesn't work for you, skip to Wheels_Cavu's post on Page 5 -- he made a valiant effort to correct the broken links and it has taken me a year to follow up it. ~Skycat
Introduction: As I was waiting for the North American release of the 1946 DVD to actually become available in stores, I began downloading important patches and updates in preparation. In my opinion, there are too many links to follow, especially for somebody who doesn't know the history of this sim or where to begin with updates. So, here is my attempt to consolidate information for absolute newcomers to the series. * Important tip for Windows VISTA users: Do not install IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 to your Program Files folder. (I changed my install path to C:\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946.) VISTA puts additional protection on programs within the Program Files folder and this interferes with the game's ability to update some user preferences. Similarly, don't install utilities like IL2-MAT Manager or Demon's Uber-Quick Mission Generator to the Program Files folder either.
Part I: Official Patch(es). The IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 DVD-ROM ships as version 4.07m of the game. After installation, you will need to update to version 4.08m. There are numerous mirror links provided at UbiSoft's Pacific Fighters homepage, but I'll let you in on a little secret: you can download the 4.08m patch directly from UbiSoft's server.
* A beta version of the 4.09m patch was released on December 27, 2007. This must be installed after the 4.08m patch above. If you choose to use the beta be sure to back up or rename any files that are replaced by the beta first. Also, if you want to use the accompanying new default skins file, it must be installed after the main 4.09 beta patch's files. (Mirror for download: Filefront)
Part II: Dynamic Campaign Generator (DGen) updates. The DVD ships with an old version of the DGen.exe program. It will run all of the dynamic campaigns on the DVD, but it is outdated and therefore incompatible with numerous 'user made' DGen campaigns. Even the official 4.08m and 4.09b1m patches do not update this program. You will need to download the most current version of DGen.exe, which is periodically updated by the program's author on an unofficial basis. (Back up your current DGen.exe first!) Option 1:(Link is no longer valid. Go to option 2.) Option 2: DGen.exe v4.0.8.7 is now included in the Enjoyr patches that are described in further detail later in this post. This version of DGen is the most current and will run all DGen campaigns.
Part III: Getting Up To Speed. At this point, you haven't yet added any new campaigns outside of the official channels. We will soon add some free, user-made dynamic campaigns. I encourage you to first become familiar with the basic game by reading this community authored FAQ. It answers many common questions, like how to release the planes from carrier decks or raise the landing gear on the Wildcat. The answer to both of these questions is that you have to assign keys yourself to various functions ... you can get some ideas for getting started in this thread about user defined controls. If you don't know how to read the instrument panel gages, a brief tutorial I made based on the Wildcat F4F-4 is now part of Bearcat99's "A Nugget's Guide To Getting Off The Ground." There is lots of good information within the Nugget thread including links to other tutorials.
Here's a great thread that explains what the difficulty options mean. Set the difficulty before you begin each career because once the first mission is generated you can't change any of the options for that campaign.
Part IV: Adding Free DGen Campaigns. For offline, single player mode, DGen provides nearly infinite replayability. However, the stock game does not provide careers for all nationalities or even for all of the maps. The community has filled some of this void with free campaigns; in addition there are commercially available packs like Battle Over Europe, OstFront, and The Last Days. I'll assume that you don't have any of the commercial packs yet and that you'd like to add some free stuff first. Fortunately, Enjoyr has recently made this very, very easy with his series of patches.
First, before you do anything else, I want you to make a backup copy of your DGen folder that is located in your main 1946 folder. We're about to overwrite and alter files, and you may wish to revert to your original files later. Don't say you haven't been warned.
The Enjoyr patch series: I'm going to narrow this down to just the links you should use if you only have the 1946 DVD:
1. EnjoyrPatch_forNoAddons. This patch will self-install most of its content but you'll have to decompress and manually install the zip files that are included in the "Other Files" folder if you wish to add them. To use the optional replacement RAF and Luftwaffe pilot portraits in the raf_dgen_pilots_colours and luftwaffe_dgen_pilots_colours packs, look in the "Forgotten Battles" folder of each one, and then copy only the "Dgen" folder from each pack into your 1946 game's main folder. * Note: Enjoyr's current patch self-installs DGen for you.
2. Optional: Add supplemental textures packs that are listed on the same page as the EnjoyrPatch download. These are custom skins for all of the DGen campaigns included in Enjoyr's patch. These patches make life so much easier for you! The self-installing program puts all the skins where they need to go. Normally you would have had to sort out all these skin textures that come with each campaign yourself and then manually put them in the correct subfolders in your game folder. This is, to say the least, a tedious process. BTW, the campaigns will work fine without custom skins but the skins make the campaigns so much more authentic and immersive. You can also use any of these new skins you've added when you play online, in the Quick Mission and Full Mission Builders, or on your personal aircraft in offline single player modes.
Part IVb: Making the Italian Campaigns Included in the Enjoyr Patch Actually Work.(This section was added on 01/10/2009) The Enjoyr patch series has experienced many revisions since the first version. In the early versions all of the items that are required to make the Italian campaigns work properly were included in the "Other Files" folder of the Enjoyr patch download. Either by accident or by design, these necessary files have been ommitted from the Enjoyr patch downloads since sometime after v3.4. (This observation was valid as of v4.7 but may have been corrected since.) Unfortunately, because 1946 does not come with an Italian nationality folder or Italian speech pack by default, the Italian campaigns in the Enjoyr patches won't work if these are not somehow added.
However, there is a handy solution. First, go to and create an account so you can log on to that site. Next, download DGen Updates by Skycat! It's an old, outdated pack now but there are important items within it that you can extract to complete the Italian campaigns in the Enjoyr patch: 1. Copy the PaintSchemes folder to your 1946 game's main directory. 2. Copy the Missions folder to your 1946 game's main directory. (You may wish to remove the GB subfolder from the "Campaign" subfolder first; otherwise you will get a new menu background for your RAF campaigns). 3. Copy the Samples folder to your 1946 game's main directory. This will add the Italian language speechpack and national music.
If you don't want to use my 'mega pack', here's where some of Italian campaign components originally came from: 1. Italian Campaign Pack -- includes speech files and campaign medals. (And here is analternate host.) 2. Italian Pack -- Pilot textures.
Part V: A Better Quick Mission Builder. Many newcomers soon ask, "How can I add more maps to the game's Quick Mission Builder?" Unfortunately, you can't. The good news, though, is that UberDemon has developed the UberQuick Mission Generator, a utility that works a lot like the QMB but it gives you access to almost all of the game's maps. At first glance, the UQMG might appear overwhelming and difficult to use, but actually it is pretty easy to learn. If you've been wanting to set up a simple dogfight scenario over Normandy or Kurland but you don't want to plot everything by hand in the Full Mission Builder, UQMG is definately the way to go. It even has a built-in tutorial.
1) Download, unzip and install UQMG 5.0.32 Full Release for FB+AEP+PF. * Note: If you are using Vista, do not install UQMG to your "Program Files" folder. (I changed my installation's path to C:/UberQuickPF and this allowed UQMG to work correctly.) 2) Launch UQMG from your Start menu and go through the initial set-up. 3) Create a mission and play it in IL-2 1946. Don't skip this step!!! 4) Download, unzip and install Upgrade 0016, version 5.0.44. * Note: If you are using Vista, simply copy the upgrade's "ini" folder over to your UberQuickPF folder.
Part VI: Online Multiplay. Earlier versions of IL-2 software included a program that allowed access to UbiSoft's free server at This feature is noticeably absent from IL-2 1946. However, Hyperlobby, an alternative 'online system' (and also free to use), has long been very popular with the IL-2 community. The 1946 version is supported at Hyperlobby's Forgotten Battles area. 1) Download and install the Hyperlobby client. 2) Launch Hyperlobby. (With Vista, I get several error messages here but then Hyperlobby works fine after that.) Accept the licensing agreement and choose a username and password for yourself. 3) In Hyperlobby, choose Forgotten Battles -- you may have to click on the circle in the upper right corner to bring up CONNECT/SELECT GAME. Direct Hyperlobby to your 1946 game's main folder; by default the location is C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946. 4) There should be a list of active Games In Progress in Hyperlobby's left margin. Find one that you can join; the fraction shows how many players are in that game vs. the maximum allowed. Click on any game's name for information about that game; you'll see the type of combat, the mission's difficulty options, who is playing, and whether a password is required to join. If the options suit you, click on the JOIN THIS GAME button. Hyperlobby will launch IL-2 1946 for you.
Part VII: Improved Aircraft Markings. The national markings, fuselage codes, and squadron insignias that appear on the aircraft are rendered by decals called MATs. The stock MATs are less than perfect however; for starters, they are too opaque and the aircraft's panel lines are obscured beneath them. More importantly to many players, the stock MATs are often historically inaccurate. Even at best, they are just too 'clean' for typical front line combat aircraft. Aces Artwork tackled this problem by creating the IL-2 MAT Manager utility and including hundreds of replacement MATs to choose from.
Installation into Windows XP should be pretty straightforward; just follow the procedure below. If you are using Windows VISTA, both IL2-MAT Manager and IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 must be installed outside of your Program Files folder to work ... I learned this the hard way.
1) Copy your 1946 game's "il2fb.exe" and rename the copy to "il2.exe." (You should now have both versions in your game's main folder. Don't simply rename il2fb.exe or else Hyperlobby and other utilities won't work.) Note: the .exe part of the name is a file extension and may not be visible in your game directory. 2) Edit the [Game] section of your game's conf.ini file so that ClearCache=0. 3) Go to your PaintSchemes folder and make sure that Cache and NetCache are not 'Read Only.' 4) Steps 4-10 replaced by the "All In One" installer linked below since the Aces Artwork site is no longer available. Update: There is now an unofficial 'all-in-one' installer that is located at Mission4Today. More details on this patch can be found here.
Last edited by Skycat; 07/25/1101:20 AM. Reason: Links corrected
"Option 2: Download DGen.exe v4.0.6.12 and put it in your main game folder. This is the preferred version because it will run all of the DGen campaigns in EnJoyr's patches (see below). However, it downloads as a .7z file and you will need WinRAR to extract the file."
June 17, 2007: Originally this post included further instructions for using my DGen 4043+BOE Updates Pack from early 2006 to supplement Enjoyr's patches. Enjoyr has updated his patches several times in the last few months, and I now feel there is very little benefit to using my pack also.
IL2-MAT Manager instructions moved to opening post.
Skycat, Want to thank you for the extra help. Your right about working directly out of DGen.I've tried both ways. Better late than never.I'm really enjoying the change. Cheers, Christopher
LOL! I have the EU 1946 DVD. The install was all good but after that the game crashed every time when browsing menus after a mission I run every update I could - then the game entirely stoped working!!! Well, now I'm using the 'crack' which works terrific & makes me happy Get it at usual places & blame Ubi one more time
Following the most recent update by EnjoyR (patch for no add-ons version 1.92), do you think one can update 1946 and get all free DGen campaigns without the need to install your BOE update first, but just using EnjoyR's patch?
Hi . . . great resource. I just started a new USN campaign out of Tulagi with the new Enjoyr patch. After having tried DCG for some time (a great program), I still find I prefer DGEN so this patch is a great thing for me.
For some reason though, I can't get that skins link to work for me. It takes me to this page:
Now that I'm home I'm having a bit of trouble here. I can't seem to find this file at said page, and its a language I can't read or translate with google.
2. EnJoyrPatchA_skins (190 Mb). This patch alone makes life so much easier for you! The self-installing program puts all the skins where they need to go. Before, you would have had to sort out all these skin textures yourself and manually put them in the correct subfolders. BTW, the campaigns will work fine without custom skins, but skins make the campaigns so much more authentic and immersive.
Thanks for keeping this guide updated . its quite intimidating for returnees like me. Its given me a new lease of life with the RAF in Africa. Thanks so much to all involved.
Last edited by silent-one; 06/13/0703:16 AM.
"The vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring them to justice." Washington DC, 27 October, 2003. President Goerge W Bush
Last night I was finally able to get IL2-MAT Manager to work in Windows VISTA. Unfortunately, to make this happen I had to completely uninstall IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 and then reinstall it outside of VISTA's "Program Files" folder. After that, I reinstalled IL2-MAT Manager outside of the Program Files folder as well. Doing this now allows both programs to update their various configuration files when changes are made. It seems that VISTA is naturally overprotective of anything located in the Program Files folder.
Similarly, a few nights ago I achieved success with installing Uber-Quick Mission Generator by installing it outside of the Program Files folder. Unlike with IL2-MAT Manager, UQMG worked for me even though 1946 was (at that time) still in the default location in the Program Files folder. This threw me off the the trail for finding a solution to getting IL2-MAT Manager to operate, and I wasted a lot of time installing and reinstalling IL2-MAT Manager components.
Lesson learned: if using Windows VISTA, don't install anything IL-2 related into the Program Files folder. I've updated the opening post with this advice.
Just installed "46". With landscape set to "perfect" (1200x1600 32)I get A/C, runway, clouds but rest is black! ATI Radeon X800(256),XP,2 gigs Ram?? Aslo it never asked for the second disk??
Is there a no-cd patch for the UK version? Securerom is having trouble reading the disk and it takes me five or so tries before the sim will actually load.
Just a note on MultiPlayer. If you're not a HyperLobbie person, and want to host, obviously you need to open port 21000 to your Router/Firewall/PC if you want to be a server.
Another tip, Magnum and I tested a Dynamic DNS client today, and you can type in DNS names instead of IP addresses in the join screen. So instead of typing an IP and port;
You can type;
The host just starts a free dynamic DNS client beforehand or have a Firewall/Router that supports Dynamic DNS directly. You can read up on Dynamic DNS here;
Hi What are the ports needed for 1946?? I reaqd here that Port 21000 TCP/UDP is needed what other Ports are used, It should be put in the Front Page Under Part VI:Online Multiplay.
Please Dont reccomend I look in the Manual I Don't have this sim I just need to know the Ports Used for Online Multiplay.
Thanks! This is just what I was wondering today. I just bought IL2 1946 after about a 2 year break from flight sims in general and I am looking forward to flying again soon.
"My doctor says I wouldn't get so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger out of there." - Ralph Wiggum
After sitting on the sidelines for for the better part of 6 years watching this sim develop, I figured it was high time to see what all the hype has been about. What better opportunity than now with Il-2 '46 as the culmination of all at $10/pop?
Thanks for using your editorial skills to spell this out. There's a lot of material here. I plan on taking small sips with this one.. like a fine cognac..
Hi What are the ports needed for 1946?? I reaqd here that Port 21000 TCP/UDP is needed what other Ports are used, It should be put in the Front Page Under Part VI:Online Multiplay.
You only need to open port 21000 UDP to host, if you want to join a game you don't need to open any port.
I just installed 1946 and the 4.08 patch. I want to try the 4.09 beta, but I have two questions.
How can I run this at 1680x1050? I see that IL-2 Shturmovik Stab Version 6.3 will do that for me, but should I use that mod, another mod, or should I do it myself in config.ini (haven't even looked there yet). Also should I do it now or after 4.09.
Second Question; should I use the skins that were released with 4.09 or EnJoyrPatchA_skins (190 Mb), or both?
1. I've never used IL-2 Stab so I don't know how it works. I assume that it makes changes to your conf.ini. If this is correct, it wouldn't matter if you use Stab or if you edit your conf.ini manually. The other part of the question is that it doesn't matter if you make the change before or after the 4.09b1m patch because the 4.09 beta doesn't touch (overwrite/replace) your conf.ini.
2. The new default skins that can be added with the 4.09b1m are just that--default skins. They are hardcoded into to game so that if no custom skins are selected for a particular aircraft the default skin shows instead. The skins in Enjoyr's patches are custom skins and are used in the campaigns. They can also be used in online dogfights or in QMB or selected by the player in offline missions...but they are not new default skins. You can install all of Enjoyr's skin packs if you wish along with the new default skins pack.
I'll edit the conf.ini - did so to 1680x1050 and I get black bars on the sides. It also shows the resolution as 640x480x16 in the Menu/hardware setup/video mode selections box - I guess this is normal.
Now I'll install the 4.09 patch and then new default skins and then follow the rest of your guide - getting enjoyr skins at the right time.
The EnjoyR skin patches are essential to install together with the EnjoyR DGen patches. Without the EnjoyR skin patches, the campaigns added by EnjoyR patches for no add-ons or others, will launch but will not show the intended/correct skins.
The skin patch from 4.09mb is a default skin patch, so as Skycat said, all these are complementary and do not overlap with each other.
One thing to be careful of. Set all video / sound options in game first before editing the CONF.INI manually, to change screen resolution say. If you do not, the game will reset values to values it knows about thus undoing your changes if you go back into that section of the GUI.
If using Stab, that is why I recommend after installing game patches:
1. Install patch.
2. Run game IL2SETUP.EXE
3. Change settings in game (like high detail, excellent detail etc etc).
4. Then run Stab and go into Options and select OK to reset CONF.INI (screen resolutions etc)
Just a quick DGEN question... I have IL2-1946 patched to 4.08. If I add Enjoyr's DGEN update to it, then will I have many more campaigns AND single missions to fly? Or does that just improve the campaign part of the game with alot of new campaign options to fly? I am a little confused on what you get with the updated DGEN download. I am trying to get some more single missions to fly as that is what I am using to get practice time in with the different aircraft.
The Enjoyr patches are exclusively to add more (many more!) DGen dynamic campaign options. And by that I mean you'll see new theaters and time periods that are not included with the stock install of 1946. You'll see dozens of new career options added to your game and that really becomes hundreds of new campaign possibilities.
However, the Enjoyr patches do not add single missions.
Generally speaking, if you have 4.08m installed you can play almost any single mission ever made. The obvious exceptions to this are missions created for the new maps in the 4.09m beta; new maps added by community mods; and sometimes the oldest missions that were written for the first version of IL-2 Sturmovik, curca 2002.
Thanks last question I have an older 24 inch monitor I bought used back when 24" monitors retailed for $500 to $600 new. I have enjoyed the hell out of it, but now after 12 years it is showing its age. The IL2-1946 sim runs kind of dark on it. Is there anywhere in the Config ini where you can boost the brightness ?? There isn't anything in the game options unfortunately. Unfortunately I am probably the ONLY person with this problem but I am hoping there is somewhere where you can increase the brightness level.
I don't think there is such an option available through the game. I think the closest you can come to controling the gamma and contrast via the game is to play with the objects and landscape lighting under the Video Options in the Hardware Setup area.
There may be a utility you can download for your brand of graphics card though. For example, Riva Tuner will allow you to adjust brightness output if you have a Nvidia card.
Skycat, question, I have 4.08, Ostfront, and BOE...So in looking at M4T, I found the B patch, but can't seem to locate the A patch, except for the one for No add ons? Do I need the A patch, if using add-ons? Thanks
Oops, after checking the archives, found PatchA was already on the B download. Thanks.
Does the Steam version of 1946 auto-update? Can you mod the Steam version?
+1. Several people I know looking at grabbing it, and I don't know what to tell them. Well, I told them get the DVD if they can find it, but I'm a crotchety old disc hoarder.
Suicide is man's way of telling god "You can't fire me, I quit!"
Bummer, the uberdemon site seems to be down (for quite a while already now) . So its virtually impossible to get a hold of the UQMG + update (even M4T link their download to the original files on Uberdemon's site).
SkyCat, would it be possible for you (or anyone else) to temporarily upload the needed files ('UQMG 5.0.32 Full Release for FB+AEP+PF' and 'Upgrade 0016, version 5.0.44') somewhere? Like RapidShare or something like that, whatever suits you best.
Most of the options are for if you own one or more of these third-party dynamic campaign products: - OstFront - Battle Over Europe - The Last Days
Select the patch option that best matches the add-on packs you have already installed.
If you use Lowengrin's Dynamic Campaign Generator (DCG) you might want the DCG patch. It works independantly of the OstFront/BOE/TLD options so you can use this patch even if you do not have any of the other three packs. Install Lowengrin's DCG first.
If you do not own any of these products, just choose the 'no add-ons' option. It only contains user-made campaigns that were made for the stock 1946 install.
There are campaigns that were made with the v4.09b1m patch that will not work with the v4.09m patch. I wouldn’t have bothered with updating the links otherwise.
Part IVb: Making the Italian Campaigns Included in the Enjoyr Patch Actually Work. Netwings is down and the link for the Italian Campaign Pack no longer works.
Part V: A Better Quick Mission Builder. Many newcomers soon ask, "How can I add more maps to the game's Quick Mission Builder?" Unfortunately, you can't. The good news, though, is that UberDemon has developed the UberQuick Mission Generator, a utility that works a lot like the QMB but it gives you access to almost all of the game's maps.
Uberdemon’s site is down again and has been for a few weeks. His site is up again.
Part VII: Improved Aircraft Markings. None of the links in this section except the two in the Update work anymore.
Update: There is now an unofficial 'all-in-one' installer that will save you a few steps. It is located at Mission4Today. More details on this patch can be found here.
Last edited by wheelsup_cavu; 04/22/1007:18 AM. Reason: Uberdemon's site is working again
Uberdemon's site is up again. When I checked whois on the 18th before I posted his domain had expired. They updated the domain on the 19th and now it expires in April 2011.
Hopefully it will not go down again any time soon.
Wow.. y'know Skycat.. believe it or not this is the first time I am seeing this.. The interesting thing is it is so old.. LOL.. and I had no idea.. I thought your post in The Nugget's Guide was all there was... Apparently we were both on the same channel... This is great .. LMAO..
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
Yes, and so much of my initial post is out of date now. I revised the information several times in the first couple of years but the cumulative impact of the community's activities became more than I could keep up with. I admit that I really don't have much interest in IL-2 1946 these days even with the recent Team Diadalos patches and endless community mods (or possibly because of all the mods). I currently don't have 1946 installed on my computer. That's sad, because from 2002 to 2007 the IL-2 series was an important cornerstone in my life.
Been out of this game for a long time. Have bought the 1946 DVD. What additional add-ons besides the downloadable materials would ya'll recommend? I've seen Battle Oever Europe and Last Days mentioned. Are they worth it with all the additional content available via download?
"The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership."
I don't know anything about "The Last Days" as I never had that addon. I did purchase "Battle Over Europe" through Just Flight many years ago when it was new. Unfortunately, the last time I checked Just Flight's website BoE was discontinued.
Battle Over Europe, The Last Days and Ost Front are expansions for the dynamic campaign generator that comes with the game. If you like the stock dynamic campaigns, well, these addons are more of the same. In the case of BoE and Ost Front, however, the developers partnered with Maddox Games and constructed maps and objects to be included in Forgotten Battles patches, then sold the campaign addons as private enterprises. That is why the stock system doesn't have a U.S. or Luftwaffe dynamic career for the D-Day and Ardennes maps for example.
Is BoE worth the money? I'd say that the value diminished over the years with the plethora of user-made static campaigns, but the dynamic campaigns are certainly an important missing piece of the IL-2 FB/1946 legacy. If you have more desire to fly P-38s and Spitfires over Caen and Bastogne than you do for flying Yaks and Lavochkins over Moscow or Hellcats and Zeros off of carriers somewhere in the Pacific then yes, BoE is worthwhile...if you can find it.
just got IL2 1946. Cant get a full build basic mission going. created an aircraft object on the ground but no way points. option player is greyed out. when i save the game and play all i get is a view sitting on the ground, no plane, cockpit or ability to move around.
the manual doesnt seem to help. can anyone please help? is there a basic guide to get going?
Last edited by brightmorningstar; 09/14/1309:12 AM.
just got IL2 1946. Cant get a full build basic mission going. created an aircraft object on the ground but no way points. option player is greyed out. when i save the game and play all i get is a view sitting on the ground, no plane, cockpit or ability to move around.
the manual doesnt seem to help. can anyone please help? is there a basic guide to get going?
To add waypoints, hold Ctrl and click on some spot on map. If you create a mission an dont define one aircraft to player, when play you only have "spectator" view.
just got IL2 1946. Cant get a full build basic mission going. created an aircraft object on the ground but no way points. option player is greyed out. when i save the game and play all i get is a view sitting on the ground, no plane, cockpit or ability to move around.
the manual doesnt seem to help. can anyone please help? is there a basic guide to get going?
Not all planes are player flyable. These YouTube videos by Flying Nutcase should help you understand how to use several of the features of the FMB. FlyingNutcase:
Don't know if I am in the right place,forgive if not,but after many years of enjoying IL2,have decided to try and get "mods" to enhance. Needing a clean install,I thought loading from my original cd would be easiest but seems all I am faced with is "do you want to delete current etc". Is there a way around this please? Thank you? OH,yes,advice on easiest mods [to load] would be most welcome.
Not sure about your first question as I don't have a disc to try.I assume you want to keep your current install?
As for mods,if it's SP you are into then look up 'Dark Blue World' and 'The Full Monty' all available at the SAS web-site.They transform the game,lots of eye-candy and new features..
If it's MP then I don't know,I only play SP,sorry.
Thanks Chucky,much appreciated. Deleted install anyway as it will now force me to go ahead. SP only me,so your recomendations are a great help. Gwalch. Edit:are they fairly easy to implement and to what version must I go? Not much good with these thngs I'm afraid!
I as well am just getting back into it as the Mighty Luftwaffe has called me back into active duty. Seems those pointy winged und cloth covered Tommie krates are causing some problems. This will be rectified if I can just get up to speed.
I installed from the 1946 disk, updated to 8 and then to 9. Everything worked as I progressed with no crack installed. Install 10 but same 9 on lower left. Install 10.1 and same thing, 9 on lower left.
Please help as the Tommies are attacking France und this can't happen!!!!!!!
I as well am just getting back into it as the Mighty Luftwaffe has called me back into active duty. Seems those pointy winged und cloth covered Tommie krates are causing some problems. This will be rectified if I can just get up to speed.
I installed from the 1946 disk, updated to 8 and then to 9. Everything worked as I progressed with no crack installed. Install 10 but same 9 on lower left. Install 10.1 and same thing, 9 on lower left.
Please help as the Tommies are attacking France und this can't happen!!!!!!!
Sounds like you let it install into the Program Files folder. Move it out of the Program Files folder into a Games folder on the C drive and everything should work fine and dandy.
The installation file path for the DVD defaults to: (32 bit systems): C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 (64 bit systems): C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
Installation Tip: **Changing "Program Files" to "Games" when you are installing the sim will make the patching process have fewer problems on machines that are using any Windows operating systems after WinXP. Modified Filepath: C:\Games\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 (Use the same modified filepath for both 32 and 64 bit versions.)
Moving the Ubisoft folder and its content to the Games folder will not affect the game. Just make sure to use the browse feature in the patches to patch the new location instead of the Default location. You will also need to alter the file path in the game icon on your desktop to the new location or you will get an error when you click on it.
ACHHHHHHHHH! Still a no go. Here we go again and I want to thank you for your patience. When I'm up and running I will not notify the Gestapo about you! MY LIPS ARE SEALED!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, here we go again. Install the sim onto my F: drive f:IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
Run it und all ist gut Then I install 1.08m into the same IL2 folder, run it und still gut mit 1.08 in lower left. Install 1.09 same way und all ist still gut mit 1.09m in lower left. NOW, when I install 4.10, no asking for copy overs, it just installs but when I run the game, still 1.09m in the lower left.
I do not want to go to the Russian Front but Fat Man ist making threats.
There is much more information about IL21946 on the SAS site here: Check the SAS Essentials section of the forum.
This link will take you to the topic mega patch topic.,38443.0.html
It is a lot to download but may be your best option.
When you get 4.12.2 up and running there are some excellent mods you can add but that leads to a whole other il2 1946 world
Now I get a flash of the 4.12.2 then it goes to a black screen then back to desk top.URRRRR!!!!!!!!!!I had to DL all the patches and then install them in order 4.12.2 to get this far.
410, 410_1, 411, 411_1, 412, 412_1, 412_2
From what I've read, I'm going to hate Siberian winters.
If you have been away awhile, the changes and new options can be overwhelming and there is anew mega pack in the works that will make them all available.
You may have more luck at the SAS site, they are home to all things IL2, mainly offline content but info on HSFX, the online addon mod.