660310 A Shau Vly Hobo 51
“This mission is based on a true story, that of Bernie Fisher and Wayne Myers. The details are given in the briefing, here’s how it looks in Yankee Air Pirate.”
660310 A Shau Vly Hobo 51 (1st Air Commando)
Weather: - Overcast 600 Ft VIS 15Nm
TOT: - 1130
Aircraft: - (2) A1-E Skyraiders
Flight Time: - 20 Minutes
After Action Report:
The weather is much the same as yesterday and our flight of Skyraiders is racing beneath the overcast bound for A Shau Valley. Charlie is back, despite the Spooky action yesterday, and this time they have moved in quickly and are close to over-running the base.
As we arrive at the camp I pick out the heaviest VC guns ringing the camp and everybody gets to work! Streaking low over the camp we rocket the heavy guns and unload napalm on the enemy troops.
Passing one end of the small base runway, I glance over my shoulder and see a Spad, rolling to a stop in the grass. I go around again and try to see if the pilot is out. He’s there, popping red smoke, it drifts up clearly showing his position. Combatants on the ground will also be aware of his predicament.
As I pass over the runway I make a decision, throwing the Spad into a tight 180. The hard turn quickly bleeds off speed and sticking out the speed boards, gear and flaps, I find myself making an approach to the little airstrip.
Soon I am down and rolling toward the end of the runway. Bodies and wreckage litter the landscape and the fire-fight is raging in all directions. I taxi up to the red smoke, I can’t believe I’m doing this, never felt so vulnerable!
I can see the pilot, waving frantically, he runs over and jumps aboard. Gunning the engine, we roll into the field behind the hangars. Small arms fire is rattling close by, this is crazy! She belts down the field and lifts off!
Hue was just ten minutes away, what a remarkable flight! Bernie Fisher rescued Major Wayne ‘Jump’ Myers in just this way and this YAP mission successfully illustrates the smoke, fires and small arms fire they had to go through. As you can see!
Next up: Back to the boats!