Laketrout_195th I try to download the article that you say that have in you web page, but I get a error, the navigator doesn't find the file in the server!
Sir Tried to send to your Email. My email is down again. So I went into the admin page and fixed the file, it's good to go now. Added it friday night, thats our fly and drink night. might have had something to do with it not working.
We want to translate it into spanish and put it in the our scuadron's page. Can I do it? we put a sentence that indicates the original author of the document.
I hope it works for you Gawl. We have yet to get more than four of us together to test it out. But it has worked, at least as flyable online for two at a time. I have to give a BIG Thanks and an <<>> to SLikk for showing me how to get into the DME and modify it. Without him it wouldn't have been possible!