Dear Sirs
I represent many flight sim fans that are awaiting Knights over Europe.
Some of us have tried to contact you and have gotten no reponse.
Many if not all of us feel you are ignoring us and it is most disturbing
You used to post on SimHQ and answer questions. You have not done that in a long time.
Perhaps you have lost the link so here it is;f=100 this will take you directly to the KOE forum.
We look forward to your upcoming sim and alot of us are planning to upgrade our computers just for KOE.
PLEASE!!! if you are still in business ...respond to this email in some way or post at the simHQ KOE forum.
We have speculated that you don't want our input anymore and thats fine! we understand that your project may be on its own track and you may not want to hear
a bunch of input you can't use....again we have no problem with that if thats the case..but people are preparing and to some extent accually counting on KOE.
I believe ANY response would be greatly appreciated and we can all go back to having a good feeling about Aspect.
Thank you
Tom "Daze" Wagner