Game: Knights Over Europe
Released: Scheduled for Summer 2004
Game Type: 3D Simulation
Developer: Aspect Simulations
Publisher: Unknown - To Be Announced
Homepages: Prod_KOE.htm
FAQs: none known
Requires: Windows (with DirectX), Direct3D
Multiplay: None
(!!!)Keywords: World War I, flight-sim
Description: Knights Over Europe brings the dawn of aerial combat up-to-date with leading edge graphics, high fidelity flight models and precision damage modeling. Dozens of highly detailed aircraft with historically accurate markings will set the stage for an experience that will attract both hard-core flightsim fans and novices alike.
Producent: Aspect Simulations
kategoria: symulatory / lotnicze
data premiery: listopad 2004
tryb gry: single / multiplayer
(phew...)tryb multiplayer: LAN / Internet
NOVINKY 5.7. 2004 14:56:35
(note date) Aspect Simulations: Knights Over Europe...
Jednou ze spolecností, která to s leteckou simulací myslí velmi vážne je Aspect Simulations z Denveru. Hlavní znaky vývojárské vetve této firmy smerují k realite a to jak v prístupu k simulaci matematicko-fyzikálních aspektu, tak také v prímé konfrontaci s vizuální stránkou veci. Faktem je, že originalita a naprosto dokonalé zkušenosti hlavních vývojáru, by mohly na pole letecké simulace vnést velmi inovativní a kvalitní produkty. Mezi hlavní vývojáre spolecnosti patrí rada programátoru, kterí meli co docinení s tituly: Falcon, Red Baron II, Aces of the Deep. Pro tento rok by mela spolecnost vydat titul Knights Over Europe zamerující se výhradne na vzdušný boj I. svetové války se zohlednením všech autentických a stežejních prvku. Samozrejme, že práve schopnost ovládnout nestabilní „hadráky“ v koordinovaném letu v prímém vzdušném souboji, se zdá být necím, co na trhu letecké simulace dnes nepochybne chybí. Práve simulace vzdušného boje z období, kdy reálná aviatika znamenala predevším schopnost pilotáže, by se mela stát hlavním a zároven nosným produktem spolecnosti Aspect Simulations v nejbližších mesících. Jisté je, že vzhledem k dosahovaným rychlostem tehdejších letounu, by se Knights Over Europe mohly stát též produktem s prevratným grafickým prostredím, nebot FPS by zustávalo vzhledem k nenárocné animaci stále vysoce nad prumerem a tak by bylo možné zamerit se na mnoho grafických detailu. Krome komercní desktopové simulace pro širokou verejnost spolecnost úzce spolupracuje též se složkami americké armády za úcelem prípravy nekolika projektu smerovaných prímo pro úcely interního výcviku prostrednictvím vizuální simulace. Podrobnosti o titulu Knights Over Europe bychom prinesli v aktuálním case, v dobe, kdy titul vstoupí na trh. Informace mužete prubežne též cerpat prímo na: .
(anyone here read czech lol)--------------------------------------------------
Knights Over Europe is currently scheduled for release in the second quarter of 2004. We'll bring you more information on the game as soon as it becomes available.
(lol yeah...)--------------------------------------------------
Aspect Simulations announces the development of their World War I combat flight simulation,
KNIGHTS OVER EUROPE. Brought to you by a team whose collective experience includes Red Baron II, the Falcon 3 series, the Close Combat series and Fly II, KNIGHTS OVER EUROPE brings the dawn of aerial combat up-to-date with leading edge graphics, high fidelity flight models and precision damage modeling. Dozens of highly detailed aircraft with historically accurate markings will set the stage for an experience that will attract both hard-core flightsim fans and novices alike.
KNIGHTS OVER EUROPE is currently scheduled for release in the second quarter of 2004.
Expect more news and announcements about this exciting new product in the coming months.
(as if...)--------------------------------------------------
April, 2003 - Knights over Europe
Aspect Simulations recently announced their WWI based combat flight simulator Knights Over
Europe to the gaming press, including showing a demo version at E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo). In order to meet the deadlines of having the demo ready by E3, Aspect Simulations realized the need to get quality terrain images into the game as quickly as possible.
Due to our experience in environmental and terrain visualization, we were asked to provide placeholder terrain textures that could be shown in the demo and screen shots until the actual terrain textures were in place within the game. The results went over quite well at the show and with the press, and we look forward to seeing the direction this promising title takes as development progresses.
but nothing at this year's E3... can't be good--------------------------------------------------
Game Title: Knights Over Europe
Publisher: Aspect Simulations
Release Date: 11-01-2004
(!!! call me a pessimist, but...)Genre: Flight Sim
ESRB Rating: Not Rated
* * *
Alas, we can just spread our arms and live in hope...