As everyone awaits for BH&H2 of WOFF to arrive, let's refresh this thread with some historical screenies - was tweaking the venerable ver. 4.18 of WOFF ("deadly trees and fences" edition) over the last few days - the Xjouve lite water patch ver. 1.1 works fine in it, as does Xjouve's improved terrain mesh ver. 2.0, etc. I don't recommend my WOFF GPU Tuner patch for it (only for the PE since it degrades textures a wee bit too much in UE - although the modified preload.xml file from my GPU Tuner is okay to load in WOFF UE). Instead, for those running only the UE-ed. of WOFF - use the following tips extracted from my "WOFF on a Mac" thread.
Tip one:In your Terrain.fx file, located under OBDWW1/shaders30, set the following line as follows:
const static float fTextureSize = 512;
const static float fTextureSize = 650;
Tip two:If you don't mind slightly lower fps (60 to 80 fps approx.) but crisper ground textures, especially when in low dogfights, I recommend making a copy of the default compositetexturebudgets.xml file and modding it as per the specifications below:
- tweak the relevant line below to read as follows:
<Budgets PatchPixelDim="512" MinPatchDimUseThumb="4096">
- for all of the different "Rings" level entries, use the following entry:
<Ring PatchWorldDim="32768" RingDim="3" MinMaskRadius="65536"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="16384" RingDim="4" MinMaskRadius="53248"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="8192" RingDim="4" MinMaskRadius="40960"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="4096" RingDim="4" MinMaskRadius="24576"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="2048" RingDim="6" MinMaskRadius="12288"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="1024" RingDim="6" MinMaskRadius="6144"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="512" RingDim="6" MinMaskRadius="4096"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="256" RingDim="8" MinMaskRadius="1536"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="128" RingDim="8" MinMaskRadius="768"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="64" RingDim="8" MinMaskRadius="384"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="32" RingDim="8" MinMaskRadius="128" DetailTileCount="6"/>
Also recommended for further crispness is the Bucksnort SweetFX pack and perhaps one of my "subtle bloom" settings, or the "no bloom" setting if you don't like bloom (available in the relevant CombatAce thread for download). Pics. below are with the Bucksnort addon, my subtle bloom tweak, BB's clouds, the "light" standalone airfield facilities mods. by RJW, Lou and company, etc.
Happy flying all,
Von S