Thomas Muller Mission 9... 22nd Dec 1916 Habsheim airfield in the Alsace region...7.55am
A mission to patrol close to the lines, Ernst again took us up and the clouds like the previous day were dark and visibility was low. We circled to altitude and proceeded on our route.
We got within a few miles of the front when Ernst signalled..he,d spotted enemy AC ahead of us, il say this there,s nothing wrong with his eyesight. the number 3 in flight took the left hand foe who took him down a few thousand feet in a spiralling fight.
Both myself and Ernst took on the same target and i got in 1st and peppered the Caudron then Ernst appeared in front of me, what a fool !! i had to quickly bank or we would have both collided..the man's mad the Caudron,s top part of his wing split and our foe tumbled to the ground.
We landed and i managed to grab Ernst and land one on his chin, we both ended up scrapping in the mud and again had to be pulled apart, im sure there's going to be reprimands after this latest incident..Its 3 days until Christmas and my morale along with my nerves are shot. Im going to request some leave and a possible transfer before one of us kills the other.