
Fullofit, looks like one of those creaky Eindeckers caught Chesty napping. Lucky the man has such quick reflexes or it could have been our favorite RNAS hero taking the dirt nap instead of the Kaiser's flieger.

Wulfe, tough luck on Fullard not get credit for sending down two of the Fokker biplanes. Typical HQ reaction, regardless of the air service you're in. And a move back to Luxeuil? You'll be able to say "hello" to Toby. Plus new planes and a week off, you say? Life is sweet in the N.124! Good first vid posting by the way. As for Swany going to Blighty soon, I doubt it, considering what is brewing in the Somme.

Harry, poor, forgetful Lazlo. He better start tying a string around one of his very large fingers to help him remember to file his claims, the lovable lug. Hope he enjoys his trip to the big city.

Thanks all for the congrats on Swany's six claims in a day, it was an intense couple of sorties and WOFF did not disappoint in making me feel like I was really in the hot seat. As it happens HQ this morning saw fit to award five out of the six - amazingly atypical of them. Swany is unaware of this news as he is currently unwinding down in Amiens, as per orders. Also unbeknownst to him is the fact that his CO, Major Lawrence, is considering writing up the young ace for the VC. The Major has a fresh Army Form W.3121 sitting on his desk right now and will be conducting interviews with witnesses over the next week or so, as time allows, after which he will send it up the chain of command, (thanks again Raine for the refresher on how the process was handled back in the day unless, as you so comically and correctly noted, your name was Bishop biggrin ).
