Keith Cunard Mallory
2nd LT, Rfc
29 Sqn, Ablee AF.
4 Kills

Sep 1. 1916.

I took the boys , B Flight 5 a/c plus 2 Rovers from A flight, to beat up a Rail yard. Results holes in the shed roofs and started a fire. Losses. 1 DH 2 shot down over target + 1 pilot wnd landed ok but caught a round in the Knee Cap so hes out. His a/c had heavy damage is only fit for the Scrap Pile.

Attached Images
CFS3 2019-08-31 16-54-23-94.jpg CFS3 2019-08-31 16-56-38-59.jpg CFS3 2019-08-31 16-56-41-05.jpg
Last edited by carrick58; 09/01/19 10:43 PM.