Raine, the Major needs to see that the Parasols get a proper escort. Lives could be saved this way. I am hoping Collins will soon be assigned a machine that can defend itself as well as attack. Watching a helpless flight-mate burn alive can’t be good for morale.

Hasse, like Harry said, Julius is about to get his hands full. Congrats on the BE kill. Hopefully this one will get confirmed.

HarryH, that’s not spinning. That’s a standard Eindecker manoeuvre. I see the Fokker jockeys perform it all the time when a Nieuport is nearby. Great video and close call!
That’s quite a team Boelcke had assembled. Hopefully they’ll let the lone Fokker driver play with them. But if he keeps on claiming phantom victories ...

Wulfe, what, no new Voscadeaux machine?! Violette 2 is begging to have her picture taken.
Bert Hall should meet Konrad von Blumenthal. I enjoy your descriptions of the air battles. Congrats on the latest victory and the bit at Senard ... Superb! I enjoyed it immensely, grinning at the exchange with Dagonet.

27 June, 1916 06:25 morning mission
Senard, Verdun Sector
Escadrille N37
Capitaine Gaston A. Voscadeaux
44 confirmed kills

The talk of the two pilots from L’Escadrille Americaine that landed yesterday with dud engines continued even this morning. Dagonet kept on ribbing Gaston that the American they bumped into some time ago in Châlons had come to return the favour and knock Voscadeaux on his fat arse. Gaston remembered young pilot’s face well. It was full of agony after losing his brother recently. No amount of alcohol could hide it. Gaston was sorry to have missed the American pilot. He wanted to let him know the French people appreciate every sacrifice and the memory of his brother will not be forgotten.
The first mission of the day was a nice babysitting job of the ‘A’ flight flying SW of Spincourt and tasked with bombing enemy front lines. On the way to the target area the ‘B’ flight ran into a pair of Aviatiks seemingly returning home after a mission. Gaston led his formation to harass the enemy planes. The wind wasn't helping and the little planes were jostled all over the sky, making it hard to aim properly. He made a pass at the trailing two-seater and watched one of his flight-mates attack as well. Voscadeaux observed how Sergent Frougier struggled to stay behind his target and was reluctant to engage. The lead Boche was not being harassed until Voscadeaux introduced him to his Lewis. They chased the Huns all the way across the No-Man’s Land and all the way to Sivry aerodrome before Gaston run out of ammo and watched his wingman finish the job. Sergent Frougier was the only one to claim an enemy machine. Gaston had his windscreen turned into a sieve for his troubles. Luckily the windscreen was the only thing hit.

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27 June, 1916 14:20 afternoon mission
Senard, Verdun Sector
Escadrille N37
Capitaine Gaston A. Voscadeaux
44 confirmed kills

The afternoon mission involved escorting a recon flight south of St. Mihiel salient. The formation circled the assigned area for 30 minutes but didn't see any activity with the only excitement provided by the Flak. The flight promptly returned to base for dinner and drinks.

Attached Images
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"Take the cylinder out of my kidneys,
The connecting rod out of my brain, my brain,
From out of my arse take the camshaft,
And assemble the engine again."