Lovely pics as usual gents' - here's a couple more of my razor-sharp ver. 4.18 install. It's very pleasant flying over the lakes and also nice to see that OBD does condensation and cloud formation right, as does BuckeyeBob with his cloud mods. Noticed a few lower-lying clouds over the lakes, right where they should be. winkngrin

Ver. 4.24 also works fine on the Mac as indicated in my other post here on the WOFF threads - with no terrain shadow flickering even at max settings on the AMD card, although SweetFX and ReShade are now a no-go on the Mac. Possibly SweetFX will become compatible again in the future. In the meantime I've got two WOFF installs running so that I can enjoy shadows and crisp textures, depending on taste.

Happy flying all,
Von S smile2

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Last edited by VonS; 06/26/19 12:51 AM. Reason: Embedded pics.

~ For my various FM/AI/FPS/DM Mods. for First Eagles 2, WoFF, RoF & WoTR, and tips for FlightGear, recommended is to check over my CombatAce profile ( and to click on the "About Me" tab while there. ~