Keith Cunard Mallory
Sgt, Rfc
29 Sqn, Ablee AF.
3 Kills

Lost another Dh-2 to day.

Dawn Patrol: No contact

1343 Hrs : The whole Hun Aero establishment was up. As Blue Section 3 a/c closed the lines on Patrol, I spotted over 5 flights of E/a's. My Lead a/c dove on a flight of Monoplanes and I followed. Twist ,turn fire ,run come about , Repeat with a few Chandells mixed in. I might have got a few hits then it was on the deck turning for home when a Hun Maching gun Nest opened up tearing wing fabric making the kite hard to fly. I had to force land in a field and ground looped causing more damage. E/a 1 down, Losses 1 Dh-2

Attached Images
CFS3 2019-06-23 14-45-57-33.jpg