
Another enjoyable Sunday morning catching up here.

Fullofit, quiet is not a bad thing, in particular when you look at how busy Gaston has been overall. Did he ever find out what became of his wingman Japy?

MFair, your man on the other hand appears to be far too busy, and now a wounding to boot. Jericho should get a bit of R&R after that last one, he's sounding like he could use it.

Lederhosen, good to see the weather has improved. Still loving that livery by the way.

Hasse, sorry to see you are having computer woes and worse that they have caused the loss of Julius' files. I hope you can get things back up and running ASAP.

Carrick, glad Keith was able to make it back across to the friendly side of the mud. After some decent food and some rest he should be good to go again.

Harry, Konrad must have one helluva' good luck charm. Not only did he miss catching a bullet in his brain, he managed to escape as well. Here's hoping his nurse is a pleasant one.

Wulfe, very sorry about James' brother, that is a bitter pill to take. War truly is hell and drinking only seems to dull it's edge, and only for a short time.

Raine, congratulations on Collins bump to Lieutenant, well deserved to be sure. And the MC too - outstanding. Great shot of that railyard bombing.

Thanks as always Gents.


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Three RFC Brass Hats were strolling down a street in London. Two walked into a bar, the third one ducked.

Former Cold War Warrior, USAF Security Service 1974-1978, E-4, Morse Systems Intercept, England, Europe, and points above.
"pippy-pahpah-pippy pah-pip-pah"