I will be away for a few days, so I've allowed myself to fly one day ahead in order not to fall behind too far.

28 May, 1916 04:10 morning mission
Senard, Verdun Sector
Escadrille N37
Capitaine Gaston A. Voscadeaux
33 confirmed kills

Only one of the Fokkers was confirmed. There was too much confusion who was shooting at whom to confirm the first one. Only the low level Eindecker was properly witnessed by Japy.

Gaston and his flight encountered three Eindeckers over Stenay aerodrome. During the battle, Gaston was able to shoot one down in flames and pretty much cripple the second one before running out of ammo. Japy finished him off and the third one fell to de Geuser's guns. With the Fokker threat removed the ‘B’ flight returned to base.

28 May, 1916 12:30 afternoon mission
Senard, Verdun Sector
Escadrille N37
Capitaine Gaston A. Voscadeaux
33 confirmed kills
Awaiting 1 claim confirmation

Voscadeaux took Japy and Dagonet on line patrol north of Senard. There was no contact. Another milk run.

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"Take the cylinder out of my kidneys,
The connecting rod out of my brain, my brain,
From out of my arse take the camshaft,
And assemble the engine again."