Fullofit, I can't quite believe that Gaston was denied all three of those claims. You would think that with his record and his ace status that HQ would be more open to taking the man at his word.
Maeran, great to see that you stopped in and shared your writing with us. Sad story concerning Tilley, so many sad stories from this war.
24 May, 1916 Fienvillers, France 70 Squadron, R.F.C. Lt. Randolph Arvid Swanson, MC & Bar, CdG 12 confirmed victories
Lieutenant Swanson is at last back in France! He is stationed at Fienvillers which shares field space with the Depot at Candas where, if you'll recall, he'd done his Morane stunting against the captured Eindecker for Trenchard and the gaggle of Brass Hats - fate can be a funny thing. The weather on the other hand is not funny at all as it has been pouring rain the entire day. With little else to do Swany decided to go over to the hangar where his spanking new mount is parked, Sopwith Strutter number A996, and see about having some personal livery painted on it. He's not sure what he's going to do yet, but he has an idea or two. Hopefully by tomorrow the weather will clear so he and his G/O, Lt. Christopher Dent, can get back up into the skies above the front. It's been too long away from the fight.