Finally, after almost 2 weeks with back pain (RL) Willi can fly again.

Intersting fight with a single N11. We fought over one of our balloons which sent up a lot of flak.
I just could not get the Roland onto the tail of this N11. If things looked bad I would just level out and get distance.
The N11 on the level is no match for a Roland, But they can turn and climb better.

So here we were, both trying to get a shot in and it turned into one looooong fight. The Franzmann just would not quit.
I had only one burst into him when he waffled a turn and fell a bit. Eventually he decided to leave by climbing and I had to
give up....I very good fight alround I think.

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Last edited by lederhosen; 04/12/19 04:34 PM.

make mistakes and learn from them

I5 4440 3.1Ghz, Asrock B85m Pro3, Gtx 1060 3GB