Gentlemen, you’re having too much fun with these Fokkers.
Raine, that was a harrowing battle with those Eindeckers. Glad you were able to keep up with them all. Great comparison of the then and now Lahoussoye village. Hopefully you won’t have to move around too much anymore.
Wulfe, so let me guess. Graham fancies the fug-boots and it looks like he’ll have to fight for them. Where do you guys find all of these Eindeckers? It’s like an endless supply over there in Flanders. Too bad about that one getting stolen by the gunners. Next time aim for them instead of the Fokker biggrin Also, it looks like Saundby will need something stronger than tea this time. Hoping Graham will be able to visit the boys at No. 20. It would be a touching reunion. Those DH's circling the burning Hun look like sharks.
Lou, I told you not to bother unpacking. Ha! Love that picture of the melee in the rain and the story to go with it. I can’t wait to see where Swany is going to end up. And what of the pals Collins and Jericho? Make sure to take lots of pictures at the palace.
Carrick, I’m glad to see you are taking good care of the Caudrons.
Scout, what is your activity set to? Maybe it’s too low and that’s why you’re not seeing much action, which is not a bad thing I hear.

8 April, 1916 05:30 morning mission
Senard, Verdun Sector
Escadrille N37
Sous Lieutenant Gaston A. Voscadeaux
11 confirmed kills
Waiting for 2 claim confirmations

The morning patrol of enemy front lines north of Verdun was a quiet affair. Gaston relied on Boillot's eagle eyes to sniff out the enemy, but despite heavy mist and significant cloud cover, the skies remained clear. After doing their rounds the duo of Voscadeaux and Boillot returned home for some well deserved hot meal.

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8 April, 1916 13:35 afternoon mission
Senard, Verdun Sector
Escadrille N37
Sous Lieutenant Gaston A. Voscadeaux
11 confirmed kills
Waiting for 2 claim confirmations

They’ve been sent on a patrol over enemy aerodrome of Thiacourt this afternoon. S. Ltn. Medeville insisted on using Adelus' aeroplane, while the poor man was still recovering in hospital. It irked Gaston to no end. At least he could count on Adj. Boillot, who kept both his eyes open throughout the entire flight for any enemy activity. The weather must be changing with all the clouds forming over the front. The mission was uneventful. Back in the mess hall, Medeville announced that while rummaging through Adelus’ craft he found the notebook he used to scribble in. It was all the advice Gaston gave his wingman. The notes had a title: Rules.
1. Protect Monsieur Voscadeaux’s back.
2. Stay close to Monsieur Gaston.
3. Don’t fly straight and level in a fight.
4. Keep your head on a swivel.
5. Beware of the Boche attacking from the direction of the sun.
6. Try to attack from sun’s direction.
7. Lookout for enemy fire while flying low over the Front.
8. Don’t gang up on a single enemy.
9. Finish your attack.
10. Come back home in one piece.

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"Take the cylinder out of my kidneys,
The connecting rod out of my brain, my brain,
From out of my arse take the camshaft,
And assemble the engine again."