Time to freshen up this thread with new screenies gents' - was recently enjoying some QC missions in the two-gun Tripehound and then did some engine on and off stunting. A beautiful and "painterly" simulator on max. settings I have to admit, very impressive. Those interested in Bootcamping Windows and running WOFFue on a Mac are advised to check over the relevant post under the stickies section for WOFFue, for detailed directions.

[Linked Image]

Happy flying,
Von S smile2

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Last edited by VonS; 03/06/19 09:15 PM. Reason: Embedded first pic.

~ For my various FM/AI/FPS/DM Mods. for First Eagles 2, WoFF, RoF & WoTR, and tips for FlightGear, recommended is to check over my CombatAce profile (https://combatace.com/profile/86760-vons/) and to click on the "About Me" tab while there. ~