Aleck A. MacKinlay
January 31, 1916

It seems we have singled out Lille aerodrome for special antagonism. Not content with overflying them and taunting them, the Major had us back there today to drop some bombs. And who else to carry out the mission than the bloks who were there yesterday? So Gerber lead the way again in his Fee with Chris and i following in our BE2. A new observer, recently arrived Ken Weller, went along with Gerber. The squadron's two Bristols accompanied us for defense but as usual didn't stay very close but we did see them circling over the Hun airfield when we arrived.

I attempted to use my Louvert Mark-1 bombsight but found it inoperable (will have to check the manual to see where we have gone wrong*). Rather than waste my bombs from 7000' I dove down to about 2000' and was able to make a decent drop sighting from a nose-down attitude.

All home safe with no sign of enemy aircraft.

*Well I have read the readme for Lou's bombsight mod and I am no wiser. I have installed with JSGME so should be enabled. I press F11 (Bombadier Seat) ... is that not the correct key? Help!!

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Last edited by 77_Scout; 01/31/19 09:59 PM.