Another one of those WOFF moments, and thanks to the cloud mod that makes this happen. Four of us took off on a line patrol to the NE. Told to get up to 4000m and look for trouble. Looking out of the cockpit I soon realized that our view would be very limited but orders are orders. We climb and climb. Thank goodness that today we can see the ground most of the time. We cross the lines and hang around Hun positions just north of Lens. Nothing but cloud and mist at various levels. 30min of this and I take the boys southwards in the hope of finding anything. Those majestic clouds are just that, and very high too.
South of Arras and I'm thinking it’s time for home, and then, just for a split second, a dot crosses a large white cloud and then it’s gone. By now I'll look for anything just to relieve the boredom. Clouds all over, it's quite easy to slip by the enemy. And just by chance, after minutes of circling, I find a lone DFW heading for home. I'm hoping he's not able to spot us just yet. Give the waggle to attack, and down we swoop. Damn just before I get the first burst off he has noticed us and I have to dive under to avoid him.
The boys are blazing away, and they are more of a danger to each other at this point. I can now pull up in front of the Hun and my gunner lets him have it at 30m. Down he went into a death spiral almost immediately, and crashed. Well done lads. Archie is very upset with us and lets us know it too. Home for tea is the order. One of the lads had a fuel tank puncture and landed in the fields nearby.
I could not as put in a claim (which the sim gave me) as another pilot also claimed him too. So, I scribbled down 1/2 a kill on piece of paper.