Originally Posted By: Blackard
Thank you, my friend.

Being new, there is so much information and options in this game that I sometimes spend more time gobbling up knowledge then I do flying.

Going to try them both out. Definitely going to run 40LM.

Most of the mods on here are brilliant mate,it might be Olhams Rivers mod that gives it a bit of extra shine regarding the water pal.
4Loms mod is brilliant,so is the models mod,il take a pic of what im using ..and the order ive installed and ive had zero problems mate.Ankors brilliant Enhanced cockpit view mod is a must its brilliant.

Edit: the ones you see on the right hand side (activated mods) that are kinda greyed out is because..they overwrite each other,after a bit of time spent with the loading order i can confirm that what you see with my load order works for me 100% pal

Last edited by Adger; 02/02/17 02:41 AM.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.