Dudley Nightshade Flt, Lt. 6 RNAS Petit Snythe, France.
26 Jan 1917.
Mission: Line Patrol B Flight: 6 Machines Mix N-11 and N- 10's. E/A: 8- 11 Halb D-III 's ? Alt: 1900 meters. Losses: 2 N-10 destroyed and 1 N-10 Heavy Damage Pilot wnd (me) + 2 N-11's damage. Claims 3 Halb's.
Remarks: Big Furball. We were setting up to attack a Dfw 2 seat when the fights fell on us. Twist and Burn. Spotted Tiny Tim trying to help out and he had a mid air both ships broke up and burned. I got off a drum 47 rds, and saw a burning Hun going down then 3 on my tail. All I could do was spin out.but caught a bullet in the right leg. The doc will keep me down till 1 Feb.