
Banjoman, thanks for the updated chart Sir. Allard Tremblay has managed a few sorties as of late but I neglected to send in a current form, I will try to remember for next week.

Raine, good to see you over here Sir. Wonderful first entries for Alfred.

loftyc, sorry to learn of the loss of George.

Fullofit, thanks for the continuing News of the World, always interesting.

Banjoman, Stache, Hasse, carrick, Fullofit, and anyone I may have missed, thank you for the continuing reports and screenshots - most enjoyable, Gents.

After Allard's promotion to Capitaine he'd been mulling over an entirely new livery for his kite, something more flamboyant and less camouflaged. He finally landed on the new design and had it applied to his N16 yesterday and tried it out on this morning's mission. Here is a shot showing his new mount parked outside the hanger.

A bit flasher than his old N11.


[Linked Image]

Three RFC Brass Hats were strolling down a street in London. Two walked into a bar, the third one ducked.

Former Cold War Warrior, USAF Security Service 1974-1978, E-4, Morse Systems Intercept, England, Europe, and points above.
"pippy-pahpah-pippy pah-pip-pah"