Axel has had an inauspicious beginning to his career. Grounded by weather most of the first week. Finally gets a short flight in to become familiar with the area.
His third mission was to expand his familiarization and check out the front. Well, Axel overstayed his welcome, was not paying close enough attention and got jumped by some N11's. One of them scored some good hits, wounding both Axel, his gunner and their fuel tank. After some furious escape attempts, diving for the ground, he finally found himself alone and running low on fuel. Coming up a bit short of friendly territory, he crashed and was captured. After spending a few days in a Hospital both Axel and his gunner managed to escape and made it back home.
Going to have to wait until July 1st for Axel to fly again.
So started a new pilot
Atwood is doing much better but needs to learn how to turn his FE2b in a fight without stalling... He was bummed that his first kill was not confirmed, even though it was a flamer. But somehow his observer turned up dead upon landing - must have had a heart attack.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. A. Einstein