
Just had a very enjoyable cup of coffee as I caught up here, many thanks gents for sharing your ongoing sagas. Glad to see you have joined the battle Harry, best of luck to Arthur. Banjoman, thank you again for keeping the chart current. Not much to report on Sous-lieutenant Tremblay other than to say he has been plotting and planning on how he might escape his captors and make his way back to the friendly side of the mud. Time will tell if he manages the trick.


[Linked Image]

Three RFC Brass Hats were strolling down a street in London. Two walked into a bar, the third one ducked.

Former Cold War Warrior, USAF Security Service 1974-1978, E-4, Morse Systems Intercept, England, Europe, and points above.
"pippy-pahpah-pippy pah-pip-pah"