Bit slow lately WOFF-wise because of real life and fine tuning the new video card. Think I got my settings where I want them.

Saturday, April 7, 1917. On patrol. Despite the poor weather we made contact with the enemy as the British ramp up for the Arras Offensive. Was on the tail of one but MvR jumped in front of me and finished it off. Oh well. No action shots as I was waiting for a action shot that never came.

Sunday, April 8, 1917. Morning patrol in Jasta strength. Because of the nice weather the British and French are quite active on the first day of their offensive. AA bursts are everywhere. We are circling near the front when the Kette leader turns toward the closest group of AA that is soon revealed to be 7 N23's. Their 7 versus our 5. That would be fine except as we maneuver for contact another group of 6 enemy single seaters (unknown type) come out from behind a cloud and are escorted to the party by AA fire and they also charge us. And there are still other enemy groups in the area. Where the heck is Kette 1?
In real life vs N23's (plus the other 6 coming in) I probably would have called it a day under the "discretion is the better part of valor" doctrine but can't leave my comrades hanging. By some "clever maneuvering", i.e., trying not to put myself in a stupid position, I get on the tail of a French N23, score some hits and constantly looking over my shoulder, try to finish him off. Lothar (in the upper right) dives on my target and another N23 gets on his tail. As I try to save LvR both N23's collide and go down.

Sorry this is the only shot of this massive (and one sided!) combat as I was much too busy trying not to be killed. I finally got on the tail of a N23 and, even though my shooting was absolutely horrible (my kingdom for Se5-type gun sites for my Alb) I finally bring him down north of the Lens east of the north road. Getting back to my airfield was another adventure as I dodged three additional groups of enemy aircraft (per the AA fire) to get back. Whew.
Unfortunately the Kette is destroyed with two non-HA's being shot down and killed (including my guy Kurt Hammer) and both Richthofen boys also being shot down, aircraft destroyed, but walking away with just wounds. Kette 1 misses combat much to my amazement. I could have walked back to my field on all the Entente aircraft flying about it seems.
File my claim for one N23 and it will be victory #6 if confirmed.