The continuing career of Albert "Mushroom" Ward:

10 Aug 1916 @ 06h14 Bombing of Nieuwmunster aerodrome NNW of Bruges

Escorts of 6 Nieuport 11’s from RFC-29 out of Abeele

I lead the flight with Huskisson accompanying. “A” flight sent 5 strutters flown by Hervey, Shook, Parsons, Booker, and Chadwick. We took of in rain with heavy cloud cover between 7 to 10 thousand feet. We stayed under the 7000 ft range for visibility. The flight to the target was uneventful but upon approach I spotted 6 enemy craft which our escort also spotted and engaged. I continued to the target and bombed it. Huskisson failed to release his bomb load. “A” flight followed up and nailed the target well. We returned to base un-molested having completed a successful run. I had a talk with Huskisson and he indicated that his bomb release malfunctioned and he couldn’t release his load. It had him a little worried upon landing at the base for fear of the bombs coming loose.

YouTube Video:

10 Aug 1916 @ 14h30 Artillery spotting south of Nieuport

I lead the flight with Hervey, Booker and Shook. Parsons of “A” flight followed.
We had heavy strato-cumulus cover between 5000 to 8000 ft with scattered cumulous above 8000. I thought the mission would be a washout but things cleared up as we approached the lines. We circled the spotting area and I noted three enemy craft far below circling but they finally broke for home leaving one straggler. I took care of him after a chase into no-mans land. I circled back and we formed up but not before Booker had sent 4 more EIII’s scurrying home. We headed back to base and all landed safely.
Hervey confirmed my kill as he was my wing with me at the time. My kill was confirmed before days end by the front line troops. Turns out it was Adolph Bottler a german ace.

YouTube Video:

Case: Cooler Master Storm Trooper
PSU: Ultra X3,1000-Watt
MB: Asus Maximus VI Extreme
Mem: Corsair Vengeance (2x 8GB), PC3-12800, DDR3-1600MHz, Unbuffered
CPU: Intel i7-4770K, OC to 4.427Ghz
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Seidon 240M Liquid CPU Cooler
Vid Card: ASUS GTX 980Ti STRIX 6GB
OS and Games on separate: Samsung 840 Series 250GB SSD
Monitor: Primary ASUS PG27AQ 4k; Secondary Samsung SyncMaster BX2450L
Periphs: MS Sidewinder FFB2 Pro, TrackIR 4