Augustus Snodgrass
Sgt, Rfc
70 Sgn

9 Jul 16.
B flight had the morning flight to Vimy Jct near Douai Airfield. I was tail end charlie to 6 A/c.
We were on the bomb run at 8,000 ft and got hit by e/a. Bullets flying, bombs falling a E'LL of a mess.
nothing hit the Target. I did get a part of a Fokker while doing a corkscrew down to 2,000ft. Alone, I ran for home and counted 12 holes in my Kite.

Sqn Results: No hits on target. 1 Spowith Destroyed, 1 forced down, 2 lt damage. Claims: 2 Fokkers.

I saw a E-III in a spin Out of control ?
Spotted a Sopwith making a force landing close to Douai