Okay, we think we have caught up with everything now, and so we can present the updated chart here.
If you still see single values wrong, just check again in the Sunday chart - there they should be
corrected then by your own latest inputs.

*** ***

No. 5 Squadron, RNAS, Coudekerque, 3 July 1916, 16 h

Flight Sub-Lieutenant Albert Addleson, just returning from a short bathing excursion to the
North Sea beach at Dunkerque, is getting called up by the officer of the day.
"Please go to the Commander's office, Sir, he has something for you!"

And this is what the commander hands to him:

Vice-President of the BOC (Barmy OFFers Club)
Member of the 'Albatros Aviators Club' - "We know how to die with Style!"